Project welcomes women undergoing cancer treatment

The group’s mission is to provide excellent and humanized assistance to cancer patients during cancer treatment

Located in the southern region of Espírito Santo, the Grupo de Apoio aos Portadores de Câncer de Itapemirim – GAPCCI (Itapemirim Cancer Support Group) was born 20 years ago. 

It was created by three women with the aim of helping cancer patients who came from other regions to undergo treatment in the city, but did not have the financial means to cover the costs of accommodation and food. As a consequence, many of these people ended up abandoning a treatment that was so important to them. 

On the other hand, people who were able to continue with therapeutic procedures lived in conditions of economic vulnerability and this hindered progress in treatment. 

Currently, the institution welcomes patients from 26 municipalities in the southern region of Capixaba, offering accommodation and food to those undergoing treatment at Hospital Evangélico, from outpatient care and diagnosis to hospital procedures, such as surgeries, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, among others. 

With these initiatives, the institution seeks to maintain and innovate projects that contribute to the well-being and quality of life of patients and, thus, facilitating rehabilitation and contributing significantly to the Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável – ODS (Sustainable Development Goals) 4 and 17, of the 2030 Agenda proposed by the UN. 

GAPCCI’s values ​​are solidarity, responsibility, commitment, ethics, transparency, credibility and respect.

Discover some projects developed by the Itapemirim Cancer Support Group Wig bank 

Started in 2010, the project offers personalized assistance to women undergoing chemotherapy, including the loan of natural hair wigs, handcrafted by volunteers. To date, 675 people have benefited.

Discover some projects developed by the GAPCCI 

Wig bank 

Started in 2010, the project offers personalized assistance to women undergoing chemotherapy, including the loan of natural hair wigs, handcrafted by volunteers. To date, 675 people have benefited.


Launched in 2013, it was developed to provide transport for treatments and reception, as well as moments of group well-being. It also offers a breakfast with a diverse menu, benefiting around 795 people.


Starting in 2014, it focuses on preventing breast cancer, performing mammograms and promoting health in general. So far, 4,032 patients have been treated.

Physical activity and rehabilitation 

Created in 2022, the project offers classes with physiotherapists, with an emphasis on the quality of life and rehabilitation of patients undergoing cancer treatment. To date, 169 people have been served.

Nourishing to strengthen 

Implemented in 2017, it promotes nutritional care and the delivery of supplements obtained through donations, with special attention to elderly patients at nutritional risk. So far, 10,516 cans of supplements have been distributed, in partnership with the Cooperativa de Crédito SICOOB (Credit Cooperative). 

This year, GAPCCI was awarded a notice and acquired a bioimpedance device. The new acquisition represents an advance in quality and excellence in the prevention of nutritional risks for cancer patients.

Heart of Good Project 

Started in 2021, it is the result of a partnership with the Grupo de Mulheres da Igreja Presbiteriana – SAF (Women’s Group of the Presbyterian Church) and the support of physiotherapy volunteers. Together, they made it possible to donate approximately 395 pillows to assist in the postoperative rehabilitation of women with breast cancer.

Active women projects 

Launched in 2022, the project acquired laser equipment that, associated with other physiotherapy modalities, helps in the rehabilitation of women post-oncology treatment. The initiative is carried out in partnership with SICOOB.

Integrating treatments 

The founder and president of the Grupo de Apoio aos Portadores de Câncer de Itapemirim – GAPCCI (Itapemirim Cancer Support Group), Sabina Aleixo, spoke about the work in a video sent to Lupa do Bem. 

“In the beginning, we only offered accommodation with breakfast, lunch and dinner, from Monday to Friday. But that wasn’t enough. Therefore, today we provide psychological care, as the person who receives a diagnosis often faces unresolved issues, and a professional can help a lot at this time. We also offer legal guidance, as not everyone admitted knows their rights.” 

“In addition, we have the services of a Physical Education professional, who reinforces the importance of physical exercise before, during and after treatment. We have yoga classes, an integrative medicine practice that has been proven to combat stress, anxiety and improve sleep quality. Finally, we offer spiritual support, which involves both the Catholic and Evangelical churches”, she explained.

Like the project? Find out how to support them! 

Donations from individuals or legal entities are accepted. 

It is also possible to donate using the Pix key: 05.456.275/0001-58 (CNPJ) 

For more information, please visit the website or contact them via email at 

Follow GAPCCI on Instagram and Linkedin.

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