Black women at the forefront: debates on philanthropy and entrepreneurship

On the International Day of Latin American and Caribbean Black Women, the event will bring together national and international leaders to discuss the presence of black women in the spheres of health, politics and philanthropy

In order to debate the current scenario, ways to advance the issue of racial equity related to black women and encourage companies and investors to actively contribute to practical anti-racist philanthropy solutions in the country, the 3rd edition of the Fórum Pacto das Pretas (Black Pact Forum) is holding its third edition during the International Day of Latin American and Caribbean Black Women, celebrated on July 25th. . 

As an initiative of the Pacto de Promoção da Equidade Racial (Racial Equity Promotion Pact), the forum is a non-profit organization that engaged its stakeholders over two years, with the purpose of implementing the Protocolo ESG Racial (Racial ESG Protocole), an index that serves to measure racial imbalance within organizations in terms of income allocated to black professionals, when compared to their percentage in the economically active population in the region in which the company operates. 

The forum brings the racial issue to the center of the economic debate and attracts the attention of large national and international companies and civil society, with the theme “Mulher Preta: saúde, políticas afirmativas e filantropia antirracista” (“Black Woman: health, affirmative policies and antiracist philanthropy”). The event will take place 100% in person, with free admission.

Importance of the Forum 

The forum is a strategy of the Pacto de Promoção da Equidade Racial association and an elementary action to highlight the urgency of establishing, as a real and permanent presence, the participation of black women in decision-making places and for their voices to be heard. 

It brings to the center of discussions the need to discuss the invisibility and challenges experienced by these women in the job market, so that company leaders recognize the problem and become allies in the fight against racism and sexism. 

Ednalva Moura, institutional relations manager at the Pacto de Promoção da Equidade Racial, explains the importance of debating health, career and public policies with corporate market leaders. 

“We know how neglected we are in all spheres. For this reality to be transformed, it is necessary to bring the scenarios, the data that make up the situation and discuss transformation solutions. This edition will be another opportunity for us to advance the discussion of the social impact of black women in different areas”, she says.

Pay inequality 

According to a new report released by the “Mude com Elas” (“Change with Them”) project, in the job market, the salary received by black women in Brazil is 47% lower than the average. 

They also earn 2.7 times less than white men, who have an average salary of R$4,270. The level of unemployment among black women and young people, between 18 and 24 years old, is three times higher than among white men in the same age group. Furthermore, they are those who have the least access to the protections guaranteed by the Consolidação das Leis Trabalhistas (Workers Laws Consolidation, CLT). 

The Fórum Pacto das Pretas will be attended by leaders and allies from the private sector, civil society, national and international organizations, consultancies and other agents interested in the racial issue and the intersection of gender.


For the third edition, the speakers will be Luciana Barreto, journalist and ambassador of the 3rd Forum Pacto das Pretas; Isabel Fillardis, actress and ambassador for Associação Pacto; Luana Ozemela, ambassador of the 2nd Forum Pacto das Pretas and vice-president of Impact and Sustainability at iFood; Phutti Mahanyele, CEO Naspers South Africa; Tarciana Medeiros, president of Banco do Brasil, among others. 

The forum takes place every July and represents the resistance of black women, with the historical social milestone being Julho das Pretas (Black July), since 1992, on account of the International Day of Afro-Latin American and Caribbean Black Women, on the 25th. 

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