Social project sparks passion and brings youth closer to boxing

Miudinho, a retired military officer, turns boxing into a weapon against the effects of poverty and social exclusion in his community

João Roberto Martins, a professor and professional amateur and Olympic boxing referee, better known as Miudinho, is the creator of the Equipe Brasil Boxe de Competição (‘Competitive Boxing Team Brazil’) project, which takes place in a space provided by the Associação de Moradores, Amigos e Pequenos Produtores de Raiz da Serra (‘Association of Residents, Friends, and Small Producers of Raiz da Serra’). This initiative was born in 1992 when he became a referee.

As the association’s security director, his job is to oversee the space, which he does while also serving as its caretaker. Additionally, he works with the local children and teenagers, developing a project focused on beach boxing.

What led him to start this endeavour were the numerous difficulties he faced in life, including challenges in training. This motivated him to create the project, which aims to assist those, especially young people, who aspire to pursue a career in boxing but lack the means to do so.

Miudinho, during an interview with Coluna da Neuza, discusses his social work.

Coluna da Neuza: Is boxing the only activity you do with your students?

Miudinho: Yes, boxing is the foundation of everything I do in the project, but I also take the kids on outings. This way, they have the chance to learn a bit more about martial arts and life. I also work on their mindset to prepare them, and who knows, one day they might become someone in life through this sport.

Coluna da Neuza: How many students have attended your boxing classes?

Miudinho: I have no idea, it’s been a lot of people, I’ve taught in various places. People come, go, come back, all because of the difficulties we have in carrying out this work. Honestly, I don’t remember, but if I had to guess, I’d say it’s an average of 3,000 students. Today there are about 37.

Coluna da Neuza: Have your students participated in any competitions outside of Raiz da Serra?

Miudinho: Yes, they competed in the Boxe de Praia do Rio de Janeiro  (FEBOP) (‘Beach Boxing Federation of Rio de Janeiro’), in Barra da Tijuca.

Coluna da Neuza: What is a boxer’s objective in a fight?

Miudinho: It’s to land as many punches as possible on the opponent in the ring and defend oneself to avoid being attacked.

Coluna da Neuza: How do you feel being in the role of mentor to these young people?

Miudinho: For me, it is a huge satisfaction. I started at 14, and now it’s been 41 years. This sport has had a very significant influence on my decisions. Today, I try to pass that on to the students and show them the various paths available, especially the path of goodness, the path of specialization, and the path of being able to compete. That’s my job, and I’m definitely prepared for it. Who knows, maybe a professional will emerge from here? That’s my goal.

Achievements and Needs

Miudinho emphasizes that the biggest challenge in the project is working on the mindset of the kids, avoiding encouraging fighting and conflict at school or in the streets. 

Other than that, the project faces difficulties such as a lack of materials due to the severe socioeconomic vulnerability of the guardians and relatives.

However, he considers it a victory to have been able to take a group of boys aged 9 to 11 to compete in Barra da Tijuca. On that occasion, each in their category, they all emerged victorious. In 2023, during the Etrom Universal Boxe (‘Universal Boxing Etrom’), he took his student Luiz Otávio, known as Tavinho, who participated in his first fight and won.

As it is a contact sport, the project needs materials such as head and face protectors, uniforms, gloves and other items for the practice and training of the sport. Additionally, many of the students arrive hungry for training, and when Miudinho is able, he provides a snack, but it is not always possible. For these and other reasons, financial donations are welcomed.

Class Schedule

Classes take place at 8:00 PM. On Tuesdays, they are held at the association, and on Thursdays, they are held on a sand field at Praça Lamarca in Magé.

Do you like the project and want to help?

For more information, call (21) 9 8884-0231 or email [email protected].

Follow the Competitive Boxing Team Brazil on Instagram.

Address for donation drop-offs: AMAPPRJ – 59 Joaquim Dos Santos Street, Magé RJ.

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