The end of the year is near and we looked back at Lupa do Bem’s notable events in 2023. Check it out!
Finally, we have reached that moment when it is necessary to end a cycle to start all over again! Or as Lenine said, “everything asks for a little more calm, even when the body asks for a little more soul, life doesn’t stop.”
It’s time to slow down, to think about the challenges and achievements throughout the year. It’s also a time to celebrate, not only the festivities and the spirituality behind them, but also our personal and community achievements.
Looking at everything we did at Lupa do Bem in the last few months, the feeling is of accomplishment! After all, this has been an intense year here. We increased the team, expanded our operating channels, launched a series of new products, and also our new website. Without a doubt, it was a period of great achievements.
And, of course, we couldn’t help but say that all of this was only possible thanks to the availability of people who are generating social impact and transforming the country across the country. And also to our dear audience, who has been following us since 2021, expanding good deeds!
Below, we took a look back to remember Lupa do Bem’s most important actions in 2023. Check it out!
Mobilização de Recursos Guide
In 2023, we launched the Mobilização de Recursos Guide, a small manual aimed at small organizations and social projects with practical tips and guidance for fundraising and financial planning.
The manual presents the main concepts in the world of resource mobilization and shows how to develop a strategic fundraising plan aligned with the organization’s mission.
Furthermore, the manual helps to identify available sources of resources and provides a step-by-step guide on how to develop an attractive and well-structured social project that raises awareness among investors and supporters.
The e-book is free and can be downloaded here! For those who want to know more about the topic, we also did a live with Rubia Goulart and Flávia Lang about tips and challenges in fundraising, which is worth watching!
New website
This year we also launched our new website. With a modern and attractive design, we brought innovative features to expand the dissemination of people and organizations in the third sector in Brazil.
As the founder and coordinator of Lupa do Bem, Fabiana Rosa, said, “we want to be a true encyclopedia, mapping as many projects as possible throughout Brazil, to connect those who want to support, through donations or volunteering, those who need to be helped.”
The new website has a space for consultation, where it is possible to filter projects by category and Brazilian states. All content is translated into English and Spanish. Countless initiatives have already been reported in the areas of education, culture, technology, sport, health, science, sustainability, animal causes, and human rights, among others.
In addition to supporting publicity, Lupa do Bem has also been helping some projects financially. It is estimated that more than 3,500 people were directly impacted by these donations.
Two years of Coluna da Neuza
Coluna da Neuza completed two years in 2023, bringing several topics of public interest. Neuza has a life story of great struggle and engagement and has presented us with several articles over this time, such as the importance of volunteering and animal cause actions, among others.
Here in the newsroom, we also made numerous reports, covering a wide range of subjects, with people and projects from all regions of Brazil. We talk about Guilherme Meneses and his team, for example, who created an innovative game telling the ancestral stories of the Huni Kuin people.
We also talk about teacher Gina Vieira’s project to encourage women writers to read, which pointed out possible paths against machismo and racism. And isn’t it that the biggest entrance exam in the country, Fuvest, which takes exams at the University of São Paulo (USP), decided to adopt a mandatory reading list containing only female writers between 2026 and 2028?! The teacher’s project was certainly inspiring!
Retrospective of the main news
Among the main news of the year, we highlight the article about the unprecedented granting of an operating license for the Abrace laboratory, for the production of medicinal Cannabis from planting. We addressed the impact of this on the debate on the decriminalization of drugs in Brazil at a time when the Federal Supreme Court (STF) was voting on the issue.
These and many other reports, such as initiatives on political training to defend democracy, strengthening public policies for racial equity and even playful ways of teaching our children to protect themselves from sexual abuse, set the tone for our commitment to current causes in our society.
Finally, we launched the LupaCast podcast with the news bulletin, a quick and easy newsletter to learn, objectively, the main news that appeared on the portal. With this, we expanded publicity about social impact in Brazil.
Phew! How much for just one year, don’t you think?! The Lupa do Bem team thanks all the support and affection it received in 2023 and wishes happy end-of-the-year holidays to those of you who follow us! Bring on 2024! 😉
And remember: subscribe to our Newsletter and follow our social networks to continue receiving all the content from Lupa do Bem. We are on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
See you next year!