With therapy and cultural workshops, Obra Social Dona Meca focuses on the well-being of young people with disabilities

The NGO encourages socialization and social interaction so that young people gain autonomy and independence

Obra Social Dona Meca (OSDM) is a philanthropic institution aimed at children and youth with disabilities in a state of extreme socioeconomic vulnerability.

A reference in Rio de Janeiro in quality habilitation and rehabilitation, its main headquarters are located in Taquara, a neighborhood in the Jacarepaguá region, West Zone of Rio, where therapies, sports, cultural workshops and social services are offered to 209 children and young people with disabilities, as well as support through from a team.

The main objectives of the Obra Social Dona Meca are to promote qualification and rehabilitation, recognizing PwD as integral beings, favoring the full development of their potential and their inclusion in society, through therapies, sports and cultural workshops to develop creativity, stimulate socialization, interaction and learning, in addition to working on intellectual and cognitive development so that, in adult life, they have autonomy and independence.

The beginning of Obra Social Dona Meca

Founded in 1992, in addition to the main headquarters, Obra Social Dona Meca has two temporary shelters: Casa Lar Dona Meca, for up to 20 children, of both sexes, aged 0 to 18 with disabilities; and Casa Lar Balthazar, with around 20 non-disabled children, also of both sexes, aged 0 to 6 years.

The activities offered are: dance, neuromotor physiotherapy, respiratory physiotherapy, aquatic physiotherapy, speech therapy and swimming. There are also cultural workshops on arts, IT, multimedia and music, pedagogy, psychology, psychomotricity, psychopedagogy and occupational therapy.

In the last year, Obra Social Dona Meca has already provided more than 34,020 services through therapies, qualifications, rehabilitation and sports and cultural activities, leading beneficiaries to achieve an average of between 85% and 95% evolution and improvement.

A simple idea that transformed lives

“Obra Social Dona Meca was founded by a group of five women, some with disabled children, and began as voluntary work. They were simple services offered to children and their families, aimed at their social, emotional and economic needs.”

With time, other individuals began to join this group, and thus, a team of professionals was formed with the goal of contributing in some way to a better society. We chose as our cause children and adolescents with disabilities.

“The idea was always to move forward, but we never assumed that the work would grow in such a way over time and transform into so many work fronts. Today the average number of children and adolescents served is 220. They have various syndromes such as Down, Autism Spectrum, Encephalopathy and others”, says Rosangela Chacon, psychologist and president of the institution.

“Rosangela also mentions that many of these children and young people do not have families and end up being placed under the care of the Child Welfare Office. It’s important to remember that, over the years, many of them have lost their family connections, which is why they are accommodated under the criteria of long-term care.”

Obra Social Dona Meca becomes responsible for the care of these children or young people in care until the competent authorities decide on a replacement close relative, a grandparent or an aunt, for example, who will take care of the person in training or whether they will go to adoption.

Ways to help Obra Social Dona Meca:

  • Sponsoring
  • Being a volunteer
  • Being a contributing partner
  • Single donation (bank transfer, via bank deposit or pix)
  • Products for the Charity Bazaar
  • List of Needs

More information:

Phone: +55 (21) 2446-3674

Whatsapp: +55 (21) 98604-3302

Email: [email protected] 

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