In operation, for 10 years and registered in March 2023, the Mulheres que Fazem CDD (Cidade de Deus) NGO is an institution managed exclusively by women, located under the Linha Amarela Viaduct, inside the Popular Market of Cidade de Deus, on Rua Edgard Verneck, 1693, Cidade de Deus neighbourhood, North Zone of Rio Janeiro.
The institution began its actions with a group distributing takeout on Sundays in the Karate community. The idea of creating the project came from this group while they were participating in meetings and it focuses on Women’s Work and Income so that the participating women can establish themselves, even without being able to leave the house, since they all have several household chores that they need to do, in addition to many have children to raise.
Sandra Matos, social worker and vice-president of the institution, says that the organization also offers courses in cutting and sewing, eyebrow design and crafts. The idea is to have new courses every two months.
Mulheres que Fazem da CDD: Legal Services and Other Activities
In addition to these activities, the NGO provides general social assistance services. Sandra Matos is responsible for specific actions involving vulnerable black women. In the future, they also intend to offer computer and barber courses, but for that, they need human and financial resources.
Mulheres que Fazem da CDD also provides legal services and gives access to exemptions from documents. Its future projects are to implement capoeira classes, barber courses, computers for young people, theatre workshops, school tutoring and special assistance for autistic children and adolescents, which depends on obtaining financial support.
Eye exams and Serasa and Limpa Nome services are also available. Sandra says that, through a lot of struggle and demands from the Mulheres que Fazem da CDD, they got the Post Office back, which was deactivated for 12 years and with it the community mail service, the Correio Amigo project, which employs a mail carrier and also a resident of Cidade de Deus, has returned.
The board comprises Denise, President; Sandra, Deputy; Leninha, Treasurer and Tamires, Secretary, who work in rotation, and the few volunteers who live in the community.
- Volunteers to teach computer classes; to teach how to handle an Overlock sewing machine and other activities.
- Sponsors, individuals or legal entities to finance the maintenance of the space and also to provide funds to help with costs for volunteers such as transportation and snacks, as this encourages people to attend more days at the institution.
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If you want to get to know this work up close, get in touch, the NGO doors are open for you. Schedule a visit.
Opened from Monday to Friday.
Follow the Mulheres que Fazem da CDD profile on Instagram.
For cash donation in kind: Pix [email protected], PagSeguro Bank.
For more information: +55 (21) 9 7491-9759 (Sandra).