Antenada with Ana Leone, a radio program that gives voice to the population

Among the themes addressed by Ana are Culture, Public Policy, Culture of Resistance, Society and Politics

The program “Antenada com Ana Leone” (Up-to-date with Ana Leone), broadcast since May 27, 2019, works as a tool to give visibility and voice to minorities who do not have space to express themselves in the traditional media. With a cultural, social, political, educational and welcoming bias, the program is part of the programming of community radio Ativa FM 98.7, founded in 1999 in Duque de Caxias, Baixada Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro.

Within the program, Ana interviews representatives of NGOs, forums, informal groups, social movements, social activists, teachers, artists, writers, poets and others. The program is also a space where singers, beginners or not, can publicize their work and writers and poets can launch their books – depending on the context of the program, there is even an audience present, which gives a differential to the opportunity. People who have suffered or are suffering some type of violence can also talk about how they feel in the program, returning later to tell what paths they took so that others, in the same situation, feel encouraged and know that they can do too.

The themes addressed by Ana range from Culture, Public Policy, Culture of Resistance, Society and Politics. There are varied themes, which can be about violence against women, prejudice, racism, or about LGBTQIA+ people, indigenous peoples, people with disabilities and several others, depending on the demand. The approach is for listeners to perceive and clarify matters that many do not know about, but that are part of everyday life not only in Duque de Caxias, but in Rio de Janeiro and Brazil, since the program conducts interviews with guests from any part of the country, online or in person.

The “Antenada com Ana Leone” program airs every Saturday, from 11 am to 1 pm, on Rádio Ativa FM 98.7. It is open to everyone, especially those who feel “invisible”. On the last Saturday of each month, “Antenada com Ana Leone” presents a painting with professor and historian from Caxias do Sul, Antônio Augusto Braz, about the history of Baixada Fluminense (a region in Rio de Janeiro).

How the program came about

Ana Leone says that the invitation came from Mr. Nielson, who was the radio’s president at the time, and Fernando Ramos, Domingos Jezuino and Roberto, current coordinators of the radio. They wanted to create a program aimed at minorities, a community radio that would bring serious and quality information to the people of Duque de Caxias and Baixada Fluminense in general. She, however, did not accept it, as she felt immature at that moment. However, the result of the 2018 elections made her feel powerless and demand herself as the activist that she is, and so Ana decided to finally accept the invitation. He decided that he would make a program that would make, through different themes and interviews, reflections and bring knowledge to the general population, focusing on black people, LGBTQIA+ individuals and favela residents, to people who don’t know about Public and Social Policies and for them to understand what a government really is – thus starting to reflect and question more, since Brazil is composed, in its majority, of people lacking information.

Who is Ana Leone?

Ana Maria Leone de Jesus is a Social Worker and has a postgraduate degree in Public Policies and Confronting Violence Against Women at PUC – Rio. Baiana (born in Bahia), she chose to live in Duque de Caxias more than 30 years ago.

A part of social movement for seven years, Ana Leone was honored by the IDMJR along with other black activists, through the mural “Nossos Passos Vêm de Longe”, which took place on the viaduct of the Centenário neighborhood, on Av. Governor Leonel Brizola, Duke of Caxias. The art suffered vandalism and they all had their faces painted white, but it has since been restored.

To advertise

If you hold or are going to hold an event in Baixada; If you are a trader, hold fairs and want to advertise, get in touch with the radio station and ask for a quote: + 55 21 26730414 – + 55 21 994146358 

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Watch one of Ana Leone’s programs here

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