Through Popular Education and Community Mobilization, the local reality is critically discussed in order to mobilize and carry out actions within an agenda of struggles
The Centro de Defesa dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente (CEDECA Ceará) (‘Center for the Defense of the Rights of Children and Adolescents’) is an institution founded in 1994 that seeks to guarantee restoration of damages and reparation to young people who have rights omitted by the public authorities. The project has a constant struggle in attempting to stop violence and guarantee the restoration of damages and reparation to the victims in different cases.
But what does this mean?
At the time CEDECA was founded, institutional violence against children and teenagers, especially those living on the streets, was one of the most pressing issues in Ceará. Cases of police violence were the first to “knock on the organization’s door” and few people were aware of the Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) (‘Child and Adolescent Statute’) at the time. Several bodies and mechanisms guaranteed by this document had not even been created, which made necessary a greater action to be taken in place.
A center for the defense of human rights focused on this social segment was needed – and it was from there that CEDECA emerged, initially with legal advice. Over the years, ways were created to monitor public policies focused on mental health, education and the socio-educational system, for example, and media, political and legal incidence, in addition to political training in human rights for these young people from the favelas of Fortaleza.
The institution also assists youth groups in areas of the city that, despite having enormous creative potential and fighting for rights, have a low Human Development Index (HDI) and a high rate of violence. Through Popular Education and Community Mobilization, the local reality is critically discussed in order to mobilize and carry out actions within an agenda of struggles.
In these almost 30 years of existence, CEDECA Ceará’s guidelines have become defined within its own strategic planning based on the most emerging debates in the defense of children and adolescents. The organization advocates the right of boys and girls to participate in decision-making processes, especially in the public budget agenda.
Another flag concerns the fight for not reducing the age of criminal responsibility, constantly on the agenda in the National Congress, since the approval of the ECA. The right to education is also discussed, especially the right to inclusion of people with disabilities.
Currently, CEDECA Ceará has as its priority to eliminate violence against children and teenagers; the guarantee of justice and reparation of their rights when violated; the self-organization of the individuals for the defense of human rights and the implementation of public policies for children and teenagers. In addition, the internal organization has guidelines that point to the fight against racism and gender inequality.
CEDECA Ceará is in the final stages of building its racial equality policy and has been working for some years with institutional guidelines for gender equality. In 2022, the project emerged victorious in a Public Civil Action (ACP) filed in 2009, demanding that the state government comply with the legislation of the Socio-Educational System. In the decision, the Justice determined that the Government of the State of Ceará reformed, within a year, seven socio-educational units, to avoid overcrowding in order to refrain from admitting adolescents in units that have an occupancy 30% above the limit and guarantee professionals of health and medicine for the inmates.
The organization is located at Street Deputado João Lopes, 83 – Fortaleza, Ceará. To support CEDECA Ceará, you can make donations using the details below:
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To learn more about the institution, click here!
Social media: Facebook and Instagram.
The information contained in this article was sent by the General Coordinator of the Instituição Maria Carneiro.