Women’s Association in Pau Grande, despite challenges, helps needy local residents and those in the surrounding area
Sandra Maria de Souza Alves, a very cheerful lady and resident of Pau Grande, has been in charge of the AMA –Associação de Mulheres em Ação for five years. The entity operates within a space provided by the local residents’ association, in the district of Magé, a municipality in the state of Rio de Janeiro.
It is a peaceful place at the foot of the high mountains of Serra dos Órgãos, internationally known for being the birthplace of Garrincha, a famous player of the Rio de Janeiro team Botafogo and the Brazilian football team.
Coordinated by a volunteer board, due to a lack of financial resources, AMA’s activities focus on recycling, sustainability, culture and education. In addition, it develops cutting and sewing workshops, holds children’s fashion shows, crochet and electrical workshops. The clothes worn by children during the parades are made from recycled and used clothing, as are the accessories.
Sandra Maria says the institution also offers basic-needs grocery packages and geriatric diapers, donated by local pharmacies. “We don’t have any help from the government, but we do everything with lots of love and care”. The entity serves the age groups from six to 14 years old and from 16 to 50 years old.
When asked what the AMA means to her, Fatima, a crochet workshop leader and volunteer, responds that the association is all good. “People grow within the association, it helps the community residents a lot. Mothers are happy because their daughters have learned something, there are students as young as ten years old learning crochet”.
She adds that “being able to help those on the other end is a victory. The AMA board always meets to make decisions, such as visiting bedridden people, as the main concern is always with the elderly. Besides them, the work is also aimed at children and people with disabilities”.
With enthusiasm, Fatima continues: “It’s always a great pleasure to talk about the AMA, we are a work that is spreading to various places, as the service is not only here in Magé, it is also in other territories like Rio do Ouro, Santa Lúcia, Imbariê, Parada Angélica, we do not only serve the community of Pau Grande, wherever there is a need, AMA goes. We do things with love and care”, she concludes.
Sandra Maria says that many people don’t even have the means to celebrate a birthday, so whenever they can, the board brings cake, snacks, soft drinks and sings happy birthday to those who are celebrating another year of life and everyone is happy. For Sandra, this is a victory.
They also pay visits to bedridden people, but they go without warning so as not to create expectations. On these occasions, they deliver baskets and diapers to the elderly.
Sandra Maria says she is very grateful for the support that AMA receives from some such as the manufacturer of Guaraná Pakera, with a factory located in Magé; bakeries, pharmacies and local commerce in general.
Stefany, 23 years old, the youngest of the AMA volunteers, says she is pleased to see the happiness of the children served. The shy young woman serves lunch for the little ones and handles the association’s social media.
AMA also holds parties for Children’s Day, Christmas, Mother’s Day and other celebrative dates.
Did you like this project? Want to help?
The institution needs donations of items to compose basic food baskets, geriatric disposable diapers and financial support to maintain activities.
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