CineManguinhos in Wakanda Forever! Organization intends to take children to the premiere of Black Panther 2

Through dialogue, entertainment and reflection, the initiative seeks to build a possible future for the imagination of favela children

By: Lupa do Bem / Favela em Pauta

Credit: Aguessiano

CineManguinhos celebrated its birthday in September, the month of the Erês*, and since then it has been planning a sequence of activities to give gifts to its community. With the long-awaited release of the movie “Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forever” in cinemas, the cineclube sets an important goal: to organize two interconnected events involving the community, with priority on children.

To begin with, CineManguinhos will screen the first Black Panther film at an event in the Mandela square, a community in the city of Rio de Janeiro, and will feature a conversation circle where artists and influencers will discuss topics related to the film in a welcoming language for the little ones.

At the first event, the crowdfunding campaign will be launched for the high point of the initiative, which will be children going to the cinema to watch Black Panther 2, with guaranteed funding for tickets, snacks and transportation.

The coordinator of CineManguinhos and the Creative Audiovisual School Àwòrán, Marcos Lamoureux, considers that the initiative is vital for allowing the right to childhood for the children of the favela, in addition to training these youth socially and professionally. “An important point is the issue of training, we not only show cinema, but also teach cinema. So, we are showing these children another alternative way of life, which they can also make it happen and be directors, screenwriters, actors and actresses”, he comments.

Marcos also talks about being a tool that serves the social debate. “There’s still the racial issue, right? From this point of view, the event we are going to hold now is a great example to explain how we can have this debate”, he concludes.

Para o lançamento da campanha de financiamento o cineclube contará com as presenças da artista Tatiana Henrique, da atriz Isa Riccart e do escritor Ale Garcia, que vão conversar com as crianças sobre as heranças africanas e o protagonismo de mulheres negras, tendo em perspectiva o enfrentamento ao racismo à brasileira. 

For the launch of the financing campaign, the cineclube will count on the presence of the artist Tatiana Henrique, the actress Isa Riccart and the writer Ale Garcia, who will talk to the children about African heritage and the role of black women, with a view to confronting racism.

The first part of the program should take place in the community court of Mandela 2, on 10/15, at 4 pm, with the screening of the first open-air film. And the second part, which consists of young people going to the cinema to watch Black Panther 2, is scheduled for the last week of November.

Discover CineManguinhos

CineManguinhos is an initiative that exhibits films in the communities of Manguinhos, in favelas such as Jacaré and Mandela, for children, young people and their families in the region. Everything happens based on horizontality, self-management and partnership, where everyone collaborates and helps as they can, with the contribution and preparation of snacks, in the effort to set up the projection structure and mainly to put a smile on the faces of the favela residents.

The project is the result of a partnership between the collectives Manguinhos Cria and the Creative Audiovisual School Àwòrán and has the support of residents, community agents and institutions in the neighborhood, such as the Parque Marielle Franco Library and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in its exhibitions.

In one year of operation, hundreds of children were attended in dozens of screenings, always with screenings of films that address specific issues for children living in territories marked by social inequality and police violence.

Films that embrace the emerging black cinema are shown, with independent productions, by black and peripheral directors that dialogue with the daily images and sounds of the children. The idea is to always value being black in its traits, customs and traditions originated on the African continent in a playful and fun language.

In this sense, CineManguinhos also takes to the alleys and alleys some releases that star in black children, thinking of offering access to a cinema that, despite being commercial, still does not reach certain sections of society.

Therefore, in the activities, the organization thinks of holding an event for families, where all the experiences that a trip to the conventional cinema offers are provided, with popcorn, soft drinks, snacks and lots of laughs. For the collective, “in times of crisis, celebrating in abundance with ours is one of the ways to scare away the harshness of life”.

Why is taking children to the cinema important?

The funding campaign seeks to take the project a step further, by partnering with artists with influence on social networks, with a focus on taking children to the cinema to see a movie premiere. The trip is not just a trip to the cinema, but the collective treats it as an experience that provides children with a critical, reflective and combative immersion.

The Black Panther, the greatest exponent of the Afrofuturist movement, teaches that dreaming of any future is possible, as long as we do not leave our heritage behind and can count on our partners in the struggle. That’s why it’s important to count on everyone’s help, any contribution can help take another child to Wakanda forever!


Campaign launch + Conversation circle + screening of the movie Black Panther 1

10/15 at 4pm

Location: Quadra do Mandela 2 – Rua Leopoldo Bulhões, 700.

Free distribution of snacks, raffles, games, activities.

Pix for donations: [email protected]

Follow all event information on profiles: @cinemanguinhos, @manguinhoscria and @eca.aworan.

*According to the religious syncretism of Umbanda in Brazil, September is considered the month of the Erês because it is the month of Saint Cosme and Saint Damião, a month in which the Erês, the happy enchanted children of Umbanda, are also celebrated.

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