Discover Instituto Aurora: an institution based in Curitiba whose mission is to foster understanding that we all share the same humanity

The institute’s work aligns with the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations

In the field of human rights education (EDH), Instituto Aurora monitors Brazil’s public policies, encourages communication and educational initiatives for both vulnerable and non-vulnerable populations, and aims to debunk misconceptions surrounding human rights and the importance of a dignified collective life.

The institute’s work in human rights education is focused on promoting dialogue, reducing inequality, and advancing social justice. Through the use of art, restorative practices, and participatory methodologies, it seeks to cultivate a culture of recognition and mutual respect by facilitating knowledge and understanding of human rights.

Two ongoing projects are currently being highlighted by Instituto Aurora. The first is “Meu, Seu, Nosso Voto,” which had its inaugural edition in 2020. The second is “O Construindo Segurança Cidadã,” which aims to reevaluate public security. These projects aim to foster discussions about responsible voting, taking into account three perspectives: our role as political beings, the diversity of our society, and effective communication. In 2022, Instituto Aurora plans to expand the co-creation of this project by inviting social organizations with expertise in emergency-related issues to contribute to a platform that offers learning paths and curated content to the general public. The goal is also to support forums for discussions on responsible voting among young people through multi-sectoral alliances that have a connection to the target audience. This initiative is carried out in partnership with organizations such as BeCause and Escola da Política.

Although Instituto Aurora is based in Curitiba, Paraná, it has already conducted projects online in several Brazilian states, including Acre, Bahia, Espírito Santo, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Paraíba, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, and São Paulo. You can access the report of activities carried out in 2012 by Instituto Aurora here.

Michele Bravo, co-founder and executive director of the institute, holds a degree in Social Communication/Journalism. She identifies as an activist, educator, and catalyst for social change, emphasizing her strong advocacy for human rights education. She explains the motivation behind creating the institute:

“The creation of the institute was driven by my desire, as well as that of my colleague Fernanda Celano, co-founder of the institution, to contribute to a cultural shift that values and respects differences in our Brazilian society based on interpersonal relationships rooted in human rights. Through my academic and professional experiences, I came to understand that the ‘social pain’ I wanted to alleviate was called discrimination, a violation of the right to ‘be.’ This realization led me to initiate independent projects aimed at making society ‘see’ those who exist but are still unseen. I led Help-Portrait in Curitiba, a global initiative that involves photographing socially invisible individuals and gifting them with their portraits as a way of saying, ‘You are seen.’ Subsequently, I created the Eu Vejo Flores project, targeting women and girls deprived of their liberty. In addition to participating in the previous project, they engaged in conversation circles about identity, self-esteem, and rights. During my master’s studies, I recognized that these initiatives were forms of human rights education. Thus, the Instituto Aurora para Educação em Direitos Humanos was established, continuing the Eu Vejo Flores project and many others that followed. ‘Art’ is always employed as a learning resource to explore our identities, respect for differences, and understanding of our rights,” Michele concludes.

In addition to its human rights education initiatives, Instituto Aurora offers corporate lectures on the practice of human rights in the corporate environment, with themes centered around diversity and inclusion. The institute also provides consultancy services in human rights education, assisting companies in establishing diversity committees or conducting surveys to assess interpersonal relationships regarding differences.

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