BSocial – Social Projects and Actions, bridge the gap between donors and social institutions

BSocial is a platform that collaborates with the social economy, enabling donations to civil society institutions. It is committed to generating social impact in a sustainable, recurring and relevant way.

Flora Quartim Barbosa de Arruda Botelho and Maria Eugênia Duva Gullo, are the founders and curators of the institution, and Mariana Salles Oliveira is the curator and data analyst.

What motivated the creation of BSocial?

Maria Eugênia explains that social motivation led to the creation of BSocial due to the need to connect donors, communities and social projects. The mission is to manage and facilitate the culture of donation in Brazil and the world, through a fast, easy, and safe channel, with a vast and diverse portfolio. The objective is to make the donations popular and accessible to everyone. Any active person can start donating from R$20.00 or opt for monthly recurring donations.

“This initiative started with a group of enterprises that called us to develop solutions related to a donation platform. Our purpose is culturally to promote solidarity towards collective challenges. The goal is to provide a vast, diverse and validated portfolio. 

The candidates fill out an application form, developed in partnership with IDIS – Institute for the Development of Social Investment, to verify the legal aspects and ensure greater security of including the same in our platform,” says Maria Eugênia.

How can institutions apply to receive shares through BSocial?

Institutions with the “Donor Seal” already have some guaranteed answers. It is a seal that advances approval. It is possible to obtain information about the application process of institutions through the link at the end of this article. The candidate fills in a form and returns it to IDIS, who analyses and provides a validation opinion or identifies further requirements. Today, the platform has 63 registered institutions.

Asked how the transfer of donations to institutions happens, Maria Eugênia answers: “BSocial is not the final recipient of donations. The amounts do not pass through us. gateway is the channel, where they complete an automatic division of the received funds as soon as it is processed on the platform. We at BSocial are a service provider for NGOs, so the approved NGO receives the direct amount in the current account of which it is the holder. Regarding taxes and platform maintenance fees, these are processed on BSocial”.

About the difficulties and challenges of BSocial concerning collections

In a country like Brazil, where the culture of donation is still developing, we must be another channel for people to carry out their actions and allow them to be repeated by people. It is a challenge to encourage and promote the culture of donation, encourage recurrence in donations and get investment partners”, ends Maria Eugênia. 

BSocial is located at Rua Bandeira Paulista, 716 – Cj. 11 – São Paulo

For further information, visit the website by clicking here.

Institutions who want to register or people who want to donate, please click here

Follow BSocial on Facebook and Instagram.

Watch the institutional video on YouTube here.

Contact: [email protected].

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