Selma Foundation, an institution from São Paulo that has already treated more than 160,000 patients in different types of therapies!

Fundação Selma is a private, non-profit organization created in 1992, founded in February 1993, and serves people of all ages

When 17-year-old, Selma suffered a car accident and suffered a spinal cord injury, with paraplegia as a result. She needed to go abroad as there was no category of treatment to attend to her needs in Brazil. After the accident, Selma’s father, José Carlos Gonçalves and the physiatrist Dr Luiz Antônio de Arruda Botelho, with a group of friends and collaborators, joined forces to create the Selma Foundation. Their aim was to provide this treatment in Brazil and to make people aware that the faster the service arises, the greater the chances of bodily and social rehabilitation of a patient with these conditions.

Miguel Angelo Rodeguero, President of the foundation, talks a little about it

“By bringing new techniques and technologies to the country, the foundation has established itself as a pioneering model of care for people with mobility problems, neurological sequelae, postural pain, and other categories of special needs. The purpose is to improve the quality of life of both patients and their families”.

Services offered

  • Neuromotor Rehabilitation, with various modalities, including physical therapy;
  • Equitherapy, held at Clube Hípico de Santo Amaro, São Paulo;
  • Occupational therapy;
  • Chiropractic, Hydrotherapy;
  • Aquatic Occupational Therapy;
  • Acupuncture;
  • Art Therapy;
  • Speech Therapy;
  • Psychology;
  • Neuro functional reorganization;
  • Psychopedagogy;
  • Clinical Pilates;
  • Internships and others.

For professional training in Physiotherapy, Fundação Selma has an agreement with two Universities, PUC/SP – Pontifical Catholic University and UNICSUL – Cruzeiro do Sul University, which supervises development together with the institution. These agreements provide free care to 60 patients on average per week, and it is significant to highlight that the patients would hardly have access to technical physiotherapeutic services otherwise.

Fundação Selma serves all ages, without differentiation. The institution’s free assistance is higher than 30%, and it has to be established by social welfare, which will depend on the patient’s ability to pay the costs. Although they are a non-profit institution, the entity has high costs to maintain its headquarters and staff.

Miguel Rodeguero talks about the institution’s challenges and achievements

“The biggest challenges today are to overcome these difficult times that we are all in and to continue providing high-level care, as identified by professionals and patients.  Also, to develop partnerships, expand our services and reach more and more people. Our victory is the recognition and respect for the work provided, which comes from various sectors such as the health sector, rehabilitation, and the Public Ministry.

All are very significant for the institution, but the best accomplishment is to listen to how grateful the patients and guardians are. See a smile on each one’s face, feel gratitude for the welcome, the affection, and love, and see the dedication of the professionals of the Selma Foundation. Regardless of any difficulty, nothing can overshadow the deep feeling of achievement, high service and care provided to all assisted. Nothing can replace the emotion of feeling gratitude in the eyes of a parent for a child in good hands, and receiving the treatment they need. Those are our best victories.”

The Fundação Selma is at Rua Acruás, 169, Campo Belo, close to Congonhas airport in São Paulo, and reports directly to the Public Ministry of São Paulo and the Curatorship of Foundations. The statutes and rendering of accounts are registered in a notary’s office, with the approval of the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

To everyone who wants to support

The institution has a project called “Adopt a Patient” that works through sponsorship by individuals or companies. These patients can be identified by the sponsors themselves, and it is also possible for tnem to direct the funds to a specific patient.

Donations to Fundação Selma can be made through Banco Santander, branch 2068, current account 13 0000 76-9, CNPJ 68.149.947/0001-00, or PIX (CNPJ) 68149947000100.

Contacts: +55 (11) 5034-1566 or WhatsApp +55 (11) 9 8957-3055.

For more information, click here.

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