Special Secretariat for Youth of Rio de Janeiro promotes free technology courses

In a sustainable, equipped, and air-conditioned environment, the JUVRio project encourages students to create solutions that can revolutionize the consumer and labor market


JUVRio is a project of the Special Secretariat for Youth and trains young people in technology and innovation courses. The project takes place inside 40m² containers, which are reused with a focus on sustainability, in addition to being public facilities that offer these courses free of charge.

Classes are free and aimed at young people aged 15 to 29, with guidance from trained teachers and exclusive teaching material. It is a chance for those who are ready for success and just waiting for an incentive.

Enzo, 19 years old, coordinator of one of these facilities spoke about these spaces, that are installed in some parts of the city of Rio de Janeiro, during an interview with Coluna da Neuza.

Coluna da Neuza: Where did the idea for the project come from?

Enzo: The project was created by the Special Secretariat for Youth, which was designed based on the needs of young people in Rio. We are currently experiencing the greatest youth ever, and, based on this, the city council found an opportunity to launch this initiative.

Coluna da Neuza: What does the project offer?

Enzo: JUVRio offers courses for the 4.4 industry technology market, robotics, 3D printing, a very innovative course that is still rare and, when found, the cost is very high. There are also courses on game design, CV creation, how to use the Canva tool, mobile programming – IOT, drone operation, and others, all focused on the area of ​​technology and IT for Business, from basic to advanced.

Coluna da Neuza: What is the impact of this project in numbers?

Enzo: In total, adding up all the equipment installed, approximately 7 thousand young people have already been served. The first class of the DJ course will train 30 young people and there are already more than 700 registrations for the next classes. It all started approximately two years ago and the first was in Estácio, the central area of ​​the city of Rio.

JUVRio serves young people aged 15 to 29. The vacancies for the courses are, preferably, for young people living in the places where the equipment is installed, but the doors are also open to young people from the surrounding areas of these places or more distant communities. There is no exclusion for any reason – if there is a vacancy, all candidates are accepted.

In addition to this project, which is also called Youth Space, there are also Youth Houses, where barbering, eyebrow design and other courses are held, which are not focused on technology, but rather courses that prepare for other types of work. There are three units that carry this purpose: in Gamboa, Centro; in Vila Izabel and Morro do Chapadão, in Pavuna, north of Rio de Janeiro.

The Special Secretariat for Youth also created and maintains other projects such as “Nosso Rio”, which carries out tours around the city using the theoretical part of the Tourist Guide.

Addresses of Espaço da Juventude

Espaço da Juventude do Estácio
Address: Praça Roberto Campos, Estácio – saída da estação de Metrô

Espaço da Juventude da Cidade de Deus
Address: Rua Daniel, s/n, apartamentos Cidade de Deus, próximo à Fundação Leão XIII

Espaço da Juventude de Vigário Geral
Address: Estrada do Vigário Geral s/n, Praça Elba

Espaço da Juventude de Vargem Pequena
Address: Estrada dos Bandeirantes, s/n, Av. A, Vargem Pequena, Praça Veluza Bispo.

Espaço da Juventude Madureira
Address: Av. Min. Edgard Romero, 506 – Madureira, em frente a estação BRT Otaviano. 

Addresses of Casas da Juventude

Casa da Juventude Pavuna, rua Soldado Evilásio de Assis, 41, Pavuna.

Casa da Juventude Centro, rua Santo Cristo, 144, Santo Cristo, Centro.

Casa da Juventude Noel Rosa, Rua Joubert de Carvalho, nº 03, Vila Isabel.

Hurry to register by clicking for the courses by clicking here!

And, for more information, follow JUVRio on Instagram

Neuza Nascimento
After being a domestic worker for over 40 years, Neuza founded and ran the NGO CIACAC for 15 years. Currently, she is a journalism student and works with creative writing, field research and transcriptions. At Lupa do Bem, she is responsible for bringing reflections and stories from organizations from different parts of Brazil to "Coluna da Neuza".
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