Did you find an abandoned pet and don’t know what to do? Take it to be neutered. Popular neutering services are offered throughout the country. We’ve listed some of them. Check it out!
Data from the Instituto Pet Brazil indicate that there are about 9 million abandoned pets in Brazil. Dogs represent 70% of this number, while cats are 30%. So, if you have found a kitten or a puppy lost on the street and don’t know what to do, take it to a popular neutering service! It’s free for dogs and cats!
Neutering is important because it reduces the risk of diseases linked to the reproductive organs, controls animal overpopulation, and improves the animal’s well-being by reducing aggression and making coexistence with other animals more pleasant and safe.”
Furthermore, it contributes to public health, reducing the presence of abandoned and sick animals on the streets. There are several free services across the country! We list some of them below:
Castração Solidária – São Paulo
The Castração Solidária project offers free neutering services in underprivileged communities in the municipalities of Carapicuíba and Osasco, in the greater São Paulo area. The target audience includes dogs and cats belonging to families who cannot afford the cost of surgery, as well as stray animals. For more information, please visit the Solidary Neutering project’s website, contact them via email, or follow their social media on Facebook and Instagram.
Programa Permanente de Controle Reprodutivo de Cães e Gatos
The Municipal Government of São Paulo has been offering this service to the population since 2001 (guaranteed by Municipal Law No. 13,131/2001). The program provides services through contracted clinics and outreach efforts in socially excluded areas of the city of São Paulo. For more information, please visit the Programa Permanente de Controle Reprodutivo de Cães e Gatos website.
Rede de Proteção Animal – Paraná
In Curitiba, there is the Population Control Program for Dogs and Cats, where veterinarians perform sterilisation and neutering surgeries at no cost. For more information, please contact them via email or visit the website of the Rede de Proteção Animal de Curitiba.
CastraPet Paraná – Paraná
In Paraná, there is also the State Permanent Program for Sterilization of Dogs and Cats, aimed at population control of these animals, prevention of zoonoses, and raising awareness among pet owners about vaccination, deworming, regular veterinary visits, as well as responsible pet ownership tips. For more information, please visit the CastraPet Paraná website.
Subsecretaria de Proteção Animal – Distrito Federal
On average, one thousand slots are made available monthly in the Federal District for free spaying and neutering of dogs and cats. The slots are released on the last Wednesday of each month. To register, the pet owner must have a prior registration in the Participa-DF system. To register, please visit the website and schedule an appointment through Agenda DF.
Adota Palmas – Tocantins
An independent group of animal advocates conducts spaying and neutering campaigns for dogs and cats in the capital of Tocantins. For more information, please follow Adote Palmas on Instagram.
Centro de Zoonoses de Boa Vista – Roraima
The Centro de Zoonoses de Boa Vista offers spaying and neutering services to the general population through registration on the website. However, low-income families and NGOs should register at the Zoonosis Surveillance and Control Unit (UVCZ) by calling (95) 3623-1585, from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM and from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM, Monday through Friday.
Centro de Controle de Zoonoses de Campo Grande – Mato Grosso do Sul
The Castramóvel is a vehicle that performs the majority of the public spaying and neutering procedures in Campo Grande. For registration and more information, please visit the Centro de Controle de Zoonoses de Campo Grande website.
Piauí Pet Castramóvel – Piauí
In Piauí, the government, in collaboration with NGOs and animal advocates, established the Piauí Pet Castramóvel, which operates itinerantly throughout the state. For more information, please follow the official Instagram profile of the Piauí Environmental Secretariat.
VetMóvel – Ceará
In Fortaleza, the city’s spaying and neutering program is conducted through three VetMóvel (mobile veterinary unit), which travel to the neighbourhoods of Vila Velha, Amadeu Furtado, and Passaré. To access the service, you need to register by calling 156 (option 6) and wait for the Coepa team to contact you for scheduling. For more information, please visit the city hall website.
Programa Bicho Rio – Rio de Janeiro
In Rio de Janeiro, the Programa Bicho Rio, under the Municipal Secretariat for Animal Protection and Defense, provides free veterinary care and performs spaying and neutering surgeries for dogs and cats belonging to the municipality’s residents. For more information, please visit the program’s website. Registration for appointments can be done directly at the Municipal Secretariat for Animal Protection and Defense.
CastraPet – Rio de Janeiro
In Rio de Janeiro, there is also the option of CastraPet, the free spaying and neutering program of the Government of Rio de Janeiro, which serves all municipalities in the state. For more information, please visit the CastraPet website.
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