Besides rescuing, the institution takes care of animals’ health and offers shelter to those with a history of exploitation
By: Kauana Portugal – Lupa do Bem / Favela em Pauta
Credit: Disclosure
Established more than a decade ago, the Menino Vaqueiro Shelter works by rescuing abandoned large animals in Fortaleza (CE) and neighboring municipalities. The institution is the result of the initiative of its founder, the animal activist Márcia Freitas.
It was on January 25, 2011 that Márcia’s fate crossed, for the first time, with a “giant” – affectionate term used by her to refer to large animals – when, on one of the busiest avenues in Fortaleza, (EC), a donkey was dying waiting for help. Marcia got close to the donkey and never walked away from activism in favor of animal protection. “I didn’t know it yet, but at that moment the Menino Vaqueiro Shelter appeared”, she says.
Her supportive attitude resulted in a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that nowadays houses 62 large animals, including horses, mares and donkeys. Most of the animals sheltered by the NGO are victims of abandonment and have spent years being used for animal traction, an activity still used for the exercise of collection and transportation in metropolitan regions in Northeast Brazil. In Grande Fortaleza, the scenario is no different.
Although the Menino Vaqueiro shelter has been in operation for 11 years, it has only been two years since the initiative got itself a fixed headquarters, in a municipality neighboring the capital of Ceará. “Right at the beginning of the rescues, I would walk with the animals through the streets until I found an empty lot. When I found one, I let them rest there and went home. The next morning, I returned to continue taking care of them. They obeyed and spent the night waiting for me”, details Márcia.
Over time, however, the strategy stopped working. In one of the most difficult episodes, the animal protector was surprised by the theft of six donkeys. It took 15 days of searches until the animals were returned. After the case, Márcia decided to look for a place to permanently install the animals. Although the current space is adequate for the sanctuary to function, the difficulties in maintaining the project are worrying.
Lack of support for the animal sanctuary
Among expenses with rent, feeding the animals, medication and veterinary care, Abrigo Menino Vaqueiro spends around R$25,000.00 per month. In the ideal scenario, the amount should be paid in full. However, the donations that arrive monthly vary between three and four thousand reais. As a result, the activist has to deal with accumulating debts.
“Only with the veterinarian who takes care of the animals, I have a debt balance of R$8,200.00. At the animal food store, the amount has already reached R$13,000.00”, she said. Due to heart problems, the protector had to leave her previous job, in the administrative sector of a school and has no fixed income. In addition, the NGO became her main occupation. Another problem is the lack of volunteers. Only one helper is part of the routine with the animals.
“I have a dream of buying my own land and expanding the shelter’s activities. Today we can no longer catch any giants because our space doesn’t allow it. But I won’t give up, these animals are my life. There is nothing more gratifying than seeing them getting better after all the abuse and aggression.”
Where are the public policies?
There is a municipal law, instituted in 2015 and updated in 2019, that deals with the ban of animal traction in Fortaleza. However, despite the existence of this law, the capital of Ceará is similar to so many other cities that tried to eliminate the practice.
There are no records of effective inspection to curb the exploitation of equines (horses) and donkeys. In addition, it is necessary to discuss other forms of work and the realization of rights for people who depend on animals for activities related to transportation and recycling.
Help the Menino Vaqueiro Shelter
To help the project expand the care and rescue of large animals, donate any amount through PIX key 85 9 8931-1281 (phone number). The donation is in the name of Márcia Virgínia Freitas dos Santos. On PicPay, just search for the account “@abrigo.meninovaqueiro”.
It is also possible to sponsor one of the animals of the project and contribute monthly. The godparents of the “giants” receive personalized gifts from the NGO. Follow and learn about the initiative through instagram, @abrigomeninovaqueiro.