ARCAS: safeguarding Guatemala’s natural heritage

Guatemala, with its unique biodiversity and ecosystems, faces a constant challenge to protect its natural wealth.From the lush jungles of Petén to the Pacific coasts, wildlife is threatened by illegal trafficking, habitat loss, and environmental degradation.


By Gabriela Méndez

With 34 years since its establishment, the Wildlife Rescue and Conservation Association (ARCAS) has emerged as a beacon of hope and action for wildlife conservation in Guatemala, providing a second chance to thousands of animals rescued from illegal trafficking.

This association was formed in response to the urgent need for a Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre to care for endangered species and return them to their natural habitats. Founded by a group of environmentalists, the organization has grown to become a leader in the protection of endangered species and the restoration of key ecosystems, such as the mangroves along the South Coast.

ARCAS operates one of the most important rescue and rehabilitation centers in the region, with the capacity to care for a wide variety of species. Since its founding, it has rescued over 17,000 animals and released more than 5,700, including endangered species such as the scarlet macaw, jaguar, and tapir.

Conservation and education: Transforming communities

The mission of ARCAS goes beyond just rescuing animals. Over time, the association has understood that to protect wildlife, it is essential to involve local communities in conserving their environment. Through environmental education programs, ARCAS has inspired children, youth, and adults to become guardians of their natural heritage.

A notable example of this approach is the Rally Parlama, a project with over 20 years of experience educating various generations about the importance of preserving sea turtles. Today, many parents who participated in the project during their youth return with their children, perpetuating a legacy of commitment to environmental protection.Additionally, at its turtle hatchery, it has released over one million parlama turtles into the waters of the Pacific, ensuring the continuity of this iconic species.

Ecosystem Restoration: Revitalizing Habitats

Effective conservation is not only about protecting wildlife but also about restoring the natural habitats that sustain life. The Association has worked intensively on recovering critical areas such as the mangroves of the Pacific coast and the natural forests of Petén. These efforts benefit not only wildlife but also the local communities that depend on these ecosystems for their livelihoods.

In 2023 alone, 247 animals were admitted to the Petén rescue center, and 153 animals have been released into protected areas, including birds, mammals, and reptiles. Among the released species are the spider monkey and other species, all of which are symbols of Guatemala’s biological wealth. One of the highlights of 2024 was the third release of Scarlet Macaws in ARCAS’s history; this year, 19 scarlet macaws were successfully released in the Sierra del Lacandón National Park in Petén, the second-largest protected area in Guatemala. These majestic birds, now endangered due to trafficking and habitat destruction, took to the skies once again thanks to a collaborative effort between ARCAS and the National Council of Protected Areas (CONAP).

The released macaws are fitted with monitoring collars to track their adaptation to the natural environment, a vital step in ensuring their survival. This work includes not only the natural incubation of the eggs but also parental care and monitoring of the chicks during their growth. For the past 20 years, ARCAS has supported the breeding of over 100 macaws, significantly aiding the recovery of this species. Today, thanks to these efforts, there are at least 300 macaws flying freely in Guatemala.

“For those who participated in this release, seeing the macaws reclaiming their place in nature was a moment filled with emotion and hope. It is a reminder of the importance of protecting our natural treasures and the positive impact that conservation actions can have on the country’s biodiversity. This action is not just a celebration of wildlife, but also a step towards preserving the biodiversity that enriches Guatemala. Let us remember that conservation is a long-term process,” stated Manuel Farfán Pinto, Executive Director of ARCAS.

The Power of Volunteering: A Global Effort for Conservation

The work of the organization would not be possible without the support of volunteers and students from around the world. Each year, the organization welcomes hundreds of individuals who contribute their time and knowledge in animal care, reforestation, and environmental education. Additionally, they collaborate with international universities, providing veterinary students and soon biology students with the opportunity to learn about wildlife rehabilitation in a hands-on setting. This exchange not only enriches the students but also helps the center maintain its status as a leader in biodiversity conservation.

Despite the great achievements, the fight against illegal wildlife trafficking continues to be one of the biggest challenges. A lack of resources and political will has weakened efforts to control this crime, reducing the number of seizures and, as a result, the animals that can be rescued and rehabilitated. However, the organization is not stopping; it plans to expand its educational programs and create new conservation areas in collaboration with local communities and international partners.

“Every action counts in protecting biodiversity. ARCAS invites everyone interested to join their efforts, whether through reporting wildlife trafficking, volunteering, making donations, or simply sharing or simply sharing their message”, concluded Farfán.

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  • Instagram: @arcasguate
  • X: @arcasguate
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