International Volunteer Day: spreading solidarity
Established by UN in 1985, the date is celebrated throughout the world with the purpose of spreading good deeds Established in 1985 by the United
Established by UN in 1985, the date is celebrated throughout the world with the purpose of spreading good deeds Established in 1985 by the United
The award-winning documentary about forced disappearances was made possible through a parliamentary amendment The Brazilian film written and directed by Laís Dantas, awarded in Argentina
The São Paulo City Hall program emerged during the coronavirus pandemic and selects unemployed women Created in 2021, the Mães Guardiãs (Guardian Mothers) project, run
The NGO was founded in 1949, in Austria, by educator Hermann Gmeiner, and has been operating in Brazil for 55 years and maintains more than
Black Awareness Day is celebrated on November 20th, the day when Zumbi, leader of the Quilombo dos Palmares, was killed in 1695 November 20th, Black
The exhibition “Carolina Maria de Jesus: Um Brasil para Brasileiros” brings reflections on structural racism, in addition to a collection with more than 400 items
Natal Sem Fome is the largest hunger-fighting campaign in Latin America and has already collected 55 thousand tons of food in 30 years of action
Some cities organized events to celebrate National Samba Day. Check out! According to the Toda Matéria portal, Samba is a dance and is a Brazilian
The Ecopet Tampas collects plastic caps to pay for the neutering of abandoned animals and from needy families Ecopet Tampas is a non-profit entity that
The NGO encourages socialization and social interaction so that young people gain autonomy and independence Obra Social Dona Meca (OSDM) is a philanthropic institution aimed