Web series show stories of resistance and overcoming of LGBT people in old age

In LGBTQIA+ pride month, discover the web series that portrays the experiences of elderly LGBT people, presenting stories of the resilience of this group that often faces discrimination in society


According to a survey carried out by the Grupo Gay da Bahia (GGB), the oldest association defending LGBT and human rights in Latin America, Brazil had 257 violent deaths of people from this community in  2023, more than the deathsregistered in 2022. This number keeps the country as the most homotransphobic in the world.

Founded in Brazil in 1980, GGB was registered in 1983 by court order and declared of municipal public utility in 1987, it also states that out of the 257 murders, 127 were trans people; 118 gay men, nine lesbians, and three bisexuals. 

According to the Dossier Deaths and Violence against LGBT+ in Brazil, young people from this community are among the main victims. Many have their lives taken before they turn 30, due to this discrimination. 

Fight against LGBTphobia

Did you know that, since 2019, LGBTphobia has been a crime in Brazil, punishable by one to three years in prison? This crime is non-bailable and does not expire, representing a victory for the human rights. The good news is that the law has been put into effect and implemented by the Judiciary, although it is not always applied in reality. 

On May 17th, the International Day Against LGBTphobia was celebrated, and it is more than urgent to reflect on this brutal violence, which affects so many people every year. It is essential that all of us, regardless of the flag we carry, defend life and preach respect for all. Respect is a right for everyone and begins with each of us.

LGBT+60: Corpos que Resistem (“Bodies that resist”) 

But not everything is crying. To celebrate this important date, Coluna da Neuza recommends the award-winning web series LGBT+60: Corpos que Resistem, with stories of overcoming, resistance, love, and pride. 

The series is now in its third season, which premiered on May 17th, with five episodes that cover the life path of five LGBT+ Brazilians who live their elderly to the fullest and happiest. 

These are inspiring testimonies that reveal the trajectory of struggle and celebrations of  Brazilians with more than 60 years old belonging to this group. 

The episodes, directed and scripted by Yuri Fernandes, will tell the nuances and achievements behind the life of activist Denise Taynáh Leite, 74 years old; journalist Márcio Guerra, 63; from influencer Ana Carolina Apocalypse, 65; by drag queen Luiza Gasparelly, 60, and retired Franco, 67. Executive production is by Giulia da Graça, from the production company Vintepoucos. 

The web series team is mostly made up of LGBT+ people, such as co-director Gab Meinberg

The episodes are now available on the Futura channel, on the Colabora channel on YouTube, and on other platforms. 

Be sure to watch this series, which takes a new look at a part of the population that is so invisible and disrespected by many! 

To watch the episodes, click here.

Neuza Nascimento
After being a domestic worker for over 40 years, Neuza founded and ran the NGO CIACAC for 15 years. Currently, she is a journalism student and works with creative writing, field research and transcriptions. At Lupa do Bem, she is responsible for bringing reflections and stories from organizations from different parts of Brazil to "Coluna da Neuza".
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