Institutions launch protection course for human rights defenders
Two institutions from Baixada Fluminense, in Rio de Janeiro, have joined forces in a partnership to offer a course on the Rede de Proteção Integral
Two institutions from Baixada Fluminense, in Rio de Janeiro, have joined forces in a partnership to offer a course on the Rede de Proteção Integral
The National Lesbian Visibility Day, August 29, is a date that marks the struggle of lesbian women to occupy their spaces in the world and
Understand how the social transformation project that seeks to break gender stereotypes evolved “The mandates tied to the female ideal are deeply entrenched. While it
A group of atypical mothers gathered at an educational seminar to talk about the difficulties of raising their children and to strengthen the fight for
Volunteer seamstresses take turns producing cushions, breast prostheses, little nannies and other treats; all the material is donated to the patients Sewing for Good is
On the International Day of Latin American and Caribbean Black Women, the event will bring together national and international leaders to discuss the presence of
Approximately 9 million people still live with food insecurity in the country, and the role of civil society remains essential to address the problem Hunger
The first Meeting of Community Leaders Networks took place in Rio de Janeiro and covered topics such as fundraising and the use of social networks
NGO fights prejudice and LGBTphobia through art and through the Observatório de Mortes e Violência contra LGBT+ no Brasil (‘Observatory of Deaths and Violence against
On a part of the land that houses the former Hospital Colônia de Curupaiti, which was an asylum and prison for lepers, in Jacarepaguá, in