Another initiative in RJ that gives access to tourism, get to know the “Free Tours” project that was initiated by a history of overcoming

From the series of activities that you can do without spending a lot or spending nothing

Many residents of the city of Rio de Janeiro, who were born here or moved to the state, do not know any or almost none of the local tourist attractions. This happens for several reasons, which can be financial reasons, lack of company, information, or others.

Is it your case? Know that here is your chance to change that story.

Free tours, an initiative that gives access to tourism in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Luís Claudio, tells what motivated him to create this project.

At the age of 15, with a friend, he was almost shot, while running after a balloon, at 30, he reacted to a robbery and, he was only shot because the bandit’s weapon failed.

On another occasion, about 16 years ago, visiting a friend in a community, he was mistaken for a police officer and a rifle was pointed at his head, and saved by his friend.

After countless episodes between life and death, eight years ago, Luís Claudio was admitted to a hospital for two weeks, paralysed and with severe body pain. The diagnosis was ‘stress’ and panic syndrome, which led him to be locked up at home for a year and a half, including at that time he tried to commit suicide several times.

Today, Luís Claudio says that the syndrome is over, but when it happened, it made his friendships very difficult. He considers himself a survivor and reports:

“After going through losses, difficult circumstances and almost losing my life, I came to the conclusion that God didn’t spare me for nothing, and with that, I could only understand that I had a mission to fulfil in this world, because of everything I went through, it wasn’t even for me to be alive.

I didn’t let people and bad situations get me down or change my way of being, I’m always optimistic, and I still have faith in the human being. I found that creating this group was my mission. I created the group out of friendship and love for the people I called, and I still call them friends.

The brilliant mind of the human being has transformed our world and, in a humble way, Passeios Gratuitos Luís Cláudio, tries to improve the quality of life of the participants. We all have to make efforts and work with our hearts, creating actions that change and improve the world and the relationships between people.”

In 2019, Luís Cláudio, when he had already carried out 400 walks, recalls with emotion a walk / trail on Morro da Urca in which a mother participated, in the company of two autistic children and, to his joy, the three managed to reach the top of the hill. . He considers this one of the most important tours he has undertaken to date. He says he didn’t do anything, he just accompanied and encouraged them, but in these moments he feels how rewarding it is to truly experience these stories.

He talks about some impacts caused by the tours in the lives of the participants

“Among others, an average of 50 participants started a love relationship during outings and an average of 15 arrived at marriage. They are people who walked alone or did not leave the house for different reasons, rediscovered the pleasure of walking outdoors, hiking and better yet, making friends. All the participants, whether they got to know new places or revisited others, I feel that everyone feels happy, joyful and invigorated during activities in the company of other people”, he concludes.

The project began in 2013 and the Facebook group already has an average of 258,000 participants. Be one more.

Below are testimonials of affection and recognition posted by participants of the group “Passeios Gratuitos Luís Cláudio”

“Your attitude of love for others is what makes the difference in the lives of many! Make your own time available for the good of the other! Thank you for this beautiful project that restores physical and emotional well-being…”

 Elaine Nascimento.

“I went for the first time, and it was really wonderful, it took me a while to go, hoping for company. And it took me so long that I gave up. I went, met people and loved it.”

Lucicleide Araújo

“You are a being of light, a special person. The world needs more people like you, like you.”

Viviane Cabral

Yes, Viviane Cabral is right, we need more people like that.

So, how about getting to know the sights of Rio de Janeiro and making new friends? And even better, the guide is free!

Shall we?

Tours take place periodically. To find out where the meeting points are and get other information about the Luís Claudio Free Tours project, follow the group’s Facebook page and also follow Luís Claudio on Instagram.

The project sells T-shirts with the logo, interested parties can call +55 (21) 9 9716-7010 or WhatsApp.

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