Caravana da Humildade has been active for almost ten years and has already managed to remove families from the streets
Caravana da Humildade was born almost ten years ago, with services that began as a small work. Time went by and other people joined the founding team, which is composed of four people: André, known as Deco, Anderson, Marquinhos and Charmene. Today, they are thinking of turning the project into an association.
The kick-off began with Marquinhos, who then invited the others. At the time, sandwiches were offered, then hot dogs, water and guarana. It was an emergency service, more aimed at people who were starving. There was also a limit on the number of people served: Caravana could serve up to 50 people. When they completed seven years of activity, they saw a much greater need due to the growth in the number of people who needed more and more care.
This way, they created a bond of friendship with the people they served, already knowing them and asking for all kinds of help. This generated a need to transform the group into something that went beyond the distribution of food and clothing. And it was then that they began, in 2020, to think about providing nursing care and other basic services needed, according to the demand presented by the beneficiaries.
With the pandemic and social restrictions, they were forced to change their plans, but decided to continue providing services with the necessary precautions. They were able to continue their work and, despite all the challenges that the moment brought, they served a large number of people, distributing almost 11,000 hot meals, more than 2,000 hygiene kits, many basic food baskets and other items obtained through donations. Everyone felt very proud of the achievement.
Caravana da Humildade, which was composed of cars, until then served in several places in the center of Rio de Janeiro. However, in April 2022 they decided to change the logistics and serve in a fixed territory: at Praça da Cruz Vermelha, also in the Center of Rio.
The first action on site was a big breakfast where everyone served themselves at will. But understanding that people needed more than food, the service was expanded and diversified. The project created an infirmary and manicure area, hand and facial hygiene, shaving and hair service, Reiki care, among others. It was a turning point in the size of the Caravana.
Today, registrations are made recording the demand of each one, with a lot of conversation, affection and empathy. The group has already managed to get some families off the streets and, with the joint collaboration of members and volunteers, people have the possibility to return to their homes and families – even in other states, if they want.
Some activities currently carried out by the Caravana da Humildade collective: referrals to the Centro de Referência de Assistência Social (CRAS) (‘Social Assistance Reference Center’) for the issuance of documents; guidance on government benefits, such as Bolsa Família and the Lei Orgânica de Assistência Social (LOAS) (“Organic Law on Social Assistance’), to which many are entitled and do not know; entries into SENAC professional courses, funded by the Caravana through financial donations; referrals to public shelters; employability; help with basic food baskets for people who have their homes, but are still unemployed due to the pandemic; offering kids space; Reiki sessions; commemorative events for children in the subway community, in Mangueira, on commemorative dates and others.
André talks about Caravana
“Our motto is social justice, charity and we also preach religious freedom. We do not discriminate against race, gender or creed. And I cannot fail to say that the beneficiaries are the protagonists of the story, the Caravana da Humildade is theirs. Come and be part of it, together we are stronger! We need more people to join us and become a link in this chain of love.” he says.
André ended by thanking all the current volunteers and those who had to leave for various reasons. He did not mention names, as it would be unfair not to mention everyone together. He also thanks the support of Rede Qually Hortifruti, Exerfit Méier, Drogaria Cristal, Açougue Vila Nova de Gaia, Reiki Sem Fronteiras Brasil, Márcio Gerpe Comunicação Visual, Centro Cultural UNICA and Cheirinho Bão de Jacarepaguá.
Caravana will also make available a bus with adapted showers so that those served can make complete hygiene during the events. The actions take place monthly in the Praça da Cruz Vermelha and in the Comunidade do Metrô.
To volunteer with the Caravana da Humildade, contact the collective via Instagram and follow the page.
The prerequisites for volunteering? Love and joy in self-giving. Apply, help to strengthen more and more!
Adress: Rua Leopoldo, 549, bloco 01, 101 Andaraí, RJ.