With more than 84 years of existence, Casa Creche São Roque is a non-profit institution that welcomes more than 200 children in socioeconomic vulnerability in Méier, a neighborhood in the North Zone in Rio de Janeiro.
The house was idealized by the teachers Célia Silva Gravina and Eloisa Helena Gravina Ferreira, mother and daughter. Initially, House São Roque worked as a shelter for children and, later, it began to provide full services, increasing the number of people assisted.
The project has as its objective to promote educational and psychosocial protection, seeking the complete integration of children in society, with conditions to provide for their own subsistence.
In Ana Paula’s words, coordinator of the institution, Célia Silva, one of the founders, have always idealized a space where children in socioeconomic vulnerability could have their rights guaranteed, such as adequate food, quality education, access to health, protection against violence, child labor and others. A place where they could grow, play, learn, develop and become the protagonists of their own lifes.
About the assistance given by Creche Casa São Roque
“The service routine is integral, five days a week, under the supervision of a professional specialized in Early Childhood Education. It is offered four meals a day to each child, in addition to basic hygiene and health care, full protection, psychosocial assistance, besides playful and affective activities. Each mother gets a monthly food parcel. Our educational work is based on diversity, experience and languages, instituted by the fields of experience of the Nacional Common Curricular Base, allowing each child to plan their actions in the face of reality, experiences and daily situations, as well as reflecting about challenges and conflicts. The Casa’s routine translates as a strong ally at helping the children adapt and feel safe in the environment, being sure that at the end of the day they are going to meet their guardians again”, says Ana Paula.
Characteristics of the audience served
The children assisted are residents from the communities nearby the institution, where there are significant rates of social exclusion, with families in critical poverty conditions and high youth vulnerability. The areas covered are in the neighborhoods of Méier (Camarista Méier), Lins de Vasconcelos, Água Santa, Engenho Novo, Jacaré, Mangueira, Jacarezinho, Sampaio, among others.
The age range varies from 1 year and 11 months old to 04 years old. After that age, the children are directed to a public school. The Casa keeps track of those kids after they enter the school and concludes that there’s not a significant dropout rate.
Casa Creche São Roque prides itself for the fight fought so far, since it has managed to guarantee a healthy early childhood for the kids and their basic rights, since they already know suffering from a very early age.
Ana Paula affirms yet that families with kids under 10 years were the most affected by poverty and social vulnerability during the pandemic, once many kids are not in Kindergarten. Says also that the house has a great demand for attending and it spares no effort in supporting as many kids as possible. It is offered more than 800 meals daily, a guarantee of instant food for those who need the most.
In the most critical phase of the pandemic, Casa São Roque has not failed to carry for the children, distributing food parcels monthly and offering remote teaching. However, as any philanthropic institution, it has its weaknesses. With the current scenario of Brazil, they increasingly need more help to continue with the mission to transform hundreds of children lifes.
Future projects
To meet the increasing demand, Casa São Roque has its goal for 2023 to create another 100 vacancies and increase the number of assistance to 300, starting to receive 1 year and 5 months old children. To make this come true, it is necessary to buy proper furniture, besides a kitchen and dining room remodeling.
How to help
To make a donation now, click here. Besides money donations, Casa São Roque accepts food, toys and cleaning supplies in general.
For more information, access the website here and follow the institution on Instagram.
Para mais informações acesse o site clicando aqui e siga a instituição no Instagram.
Do you want to see this work closely?
The project is located at Street Visconde de Tocantins, 34, Méier, Rio de Janeiro.