Institution offers free preparatory courses for the Encceja

Registrations are open for a preparatory course for you, young or adult, who wishes to obtain certification for elementary or high school

Through education, we can become whatever we want. All individuals who have interrupted their studies and didn’t have the opportunity to complete elementary school can attend classes offered by SEJA – a free online preparatory course for those taking the Exame para Certificação de Jovens e Adultos – Encceja (‘Exam for Youth and Adult Certification – Encceja’).

Organized in online classrooms for candidates, the SEJA course, conceived and offered by the Fundação Roberto Marinho (‘Roberto Marinho Foundation’), prepares students who are out of school for the Encceja, enabling them to obtain a certificate of completion for elementary or high school. Registrations are open; once registered, the student can join the online classes. 

Anyone residing in Brazil or elsewhere who didn’t have the opportunity to study at the appropriate age can enrol, including those incarcerated. 

To participate in the SEJA course, simply access this link, where you will find step-by-step instructions on how to register on Google Classroom, the platform where classes will be conducted.

Age Range

For Certification in Elementary and High School, it is necessary to be 15 and 18 years old, respectively, on the day of the exam.


February 19th: SEJA registration opens.

May 21st to June 1st: Encceja registrations.

August 26th: Encceja exams.

September 7th: Publication of the answer key.

December 21st: Results.

The responsibility for registration in the Encceja lies with the student, and the certificate of completion is issued by state education departments and federal institutes that have agreements with Inep. The list of Encceja certifying institutions is included as an annexe in the exam’s announcement.

About Fundação Roberto Marinho

According to the institution’s portal, the foundation promotes, in all its initiatives, a culture of education in a charming, inclusive, and above all, emancipatory manner, in constant dialogue with society. It develops projects focused on basic education and the solution of educational problems that impact national assessments, such as age-grade distortion, school dropout, and learning gaps.

To register, access the student profile form by clicking here.

For more information, click here.

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