Institutions launch protection course for human rights defenders

Two institutions from Baixada Fluminense, in Rio de Janeiro, have joined forces in a partnership to offer a course on the Rede de Proteção Integral a Defensores e Defensoras de Direitos Humanos, with support from the Fundo Brasil

The Rede de Proteção Integral a Defensoras e Defensores de Direitos Humanos da Baixada Fluminense (RPIDDH – Belford Roxo) is open for registration for the Curso de Proteção Integral a Defensoras e Defensores de Direitos Humanos (Integral Protection Course for Human Rights Defenders) of Baixada Fluminense.

Who can participate? 

  • Mothers and family members of victims of state violence and forced disappearances; 
  • Religious leaders; 
  • LGBTQIAPN+ people and collectives; 
  • Popular communicators; 
  • Culture producers; 
  • Environmentalists; 
  • Rural workers, fishermen and rural leaders; 
  • Quilombolas, popular political leaders, trade unions and human rights defenders in general. 

40 places will be offered to those who need to understand and use comprehensive protection strategies and mechanisms, with the aim of preventing or reducing personal or institutional threats and risks arising from activism and the defense of justice.

Protection of human rights activists 

The course will include modules on topics such as digital protection, safe communication, care and self-care among activists. Furthermore, it will feature a participatory and collective methodology. 

The Network for the Rede de Proteção Integral a Defensoras e Defensores de Direitos Humanos da Baixada was created on August 26, 2023, and brings together around 30 human rights defenders, in addition to several organizations, movements and collectives from Baixada Fluminense.

The objective is to be a space for articulation, mobilization, training and political advocacy focused on comprehensive protection policies for human rights activists. 

The course has the support of the Fundo Brasil de Direitos Humanos and was developed in partnership with Fórum Grita Baixada

All participants will receive a certificate of completion. The course includes breakfast and a food allowance, or lunch will be provided on site. Finally, there will be reimbursement for public transport or app expenses, upon receipt.

Course times and duration 

There will be four meetings:  on September 14th, 21st, and 28th, from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM, and on October 19th, from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM and from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM.

Working hours: 20 hours 

Location: The first two meetings will be at the Leader Training Center (CENFOR), located at Rua Dom Adriano Hipólito, 8 – Moquetá, in Nova Iguaçu. The locations of the last two meetings have yet to be defined. 

Registration: until September 1st

Selection of registered people: September 2nd to September 9

Communication to those selected and not selected: September 4 to September 9

Course start: 09/14/2024 Sign up by clicking here

If you have any questions, please send an email to [email protected].

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