The initiative has existed since the 1990s and seeks to improve the physical condition of people without easy access
In 1992, Sérgio Murilo was hit by a truck, which led to a 47-day hospitalization. After undergoing two surgeries on his femur, Sérgio had to use crutches for more than two years. After being discharged, he went through many difficulties until he got physiotherapy treatment, since in the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) (‘Unified Health System’) it was and still is very time-consuming and, in private, very expensive. Thus began the idea of creating the Cliníca Amor Pela Vida.
Sérgio then felt what it is like to be poor, to be fragile, to need special medical care and to have no resources. At the same time, he observed that in the community where he lived there were many people in the same situation: with sequelae of stroke, prostate and breast cancer, amputated limbs – and all without access to physiotherapy. It was then that he had the idea of bringing some benefits to those who needed better care.
He started by asking local churches and close friends for items such as crutches, wheelchairs and toilet seats, which he gave away as donations to people in need. Sometimes he even got diapers.
Putting the idea into practice
In 1993, Sergio met physiotherapists Marli Garcez and Susana, and the three of them planned to start assisting people in need at home. After the beginning of the services, there was the need to acquire a space to set up a clinic, where they could receive more patients and with more comfort. The fact that they were moving between one favela and another was also complicated, as they ran many risks, since Parada de Lucas and Vigário Geral were, at the time, different factions, which resulted in a very high frequency of shootings – the three were even sometimes trapped in the middle of the exchange of fire.
In the 2000s, Sérgio, already working, took out a loan to buy a shack that was for sale in the locality, in order to better structure the project and build a fixed location. But the amount was not enough, which made him look for the effective pastor at the time, Josué Rodrigues de Oliveira, from the Igreja Presbiteriana Betânia. Sérgio then explained his story and spoke of the need for a physiotherapy clinic on the site, an idea embraced by the pastor, who donated the missing amount for the purchase.
On that day, Sérgio Murilo was recognized as an Urban Missionary, a position he still holds today in the church. The money for the construction of the clinic came from the collection and sale of empty printer ink cartridges. In 2003, the construction of the first floor was completed, thus making the Clinica Amor pela Vida project a physical reality, although it had already been registered and in action since September 20, 1993.
Purpose of Clínica Amor Pela Vida
Sergio Murilo speaks fondly of this important work: “The clinic’s goal is to provide patients with physiotherapy and rehabilitation treatment, with the purpose of improving the quality of life of each one, helping them to reintegrate into society and, whenever possible, promoting their return to the labor market. In all these years, the impact on the lives of the people served has been very great,” he says.
Sérgio also says that many people are unable to get around on their own and also cannot afford a car. With quality care in the neighborhood, within the community, this situation is easier, since the person does not have to travel long distances for care – not to mention precarious public transport, in addition to the times when the patient has no money for a ticket or a snack while waiting.
Clínica Amor Pela Vida is located in the favela of Parada de Lucas, and serves not only the residents of this community, but also those of other favelas, such as Vigário Geral and surrounding neighborhoods. Sergio ends by saying that the challenges are great, stating that the space has become small for the demand of patients to be served. In addition to the expansion of the clinic, it is a future project to offer a cooking course, as the kitchen is already more than half completed.
Sérgio thanks God for blessing him, the people served and the partners throughout this trajectory. He considers the partnership with the Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimento Humano (INADH) (“National Institute for Human Development”), achieved in December 2023, a victory.
Did you like the project? For information on how to help or how to benefit, follow Sergio Murilo on Instagram.