Action seeks to raise awareness in society through conversations, meetings and debates
Para Todos is a movement that aims to provoke and build changes in terms of inclusion of people with disabilities. For this to happen, the team responsible for the actions participates in meetings and promotes discussions, besides producing informative material on the subject. The idea came from the union of three women – Carla Codeço, Ciça Melo and Fabiana Ribeiro – after realizing that the difficulties of including their children could be the same as many other students, regardless of the disability in question.
The obstacles were, often, linked to the lack of a culture that included them more in school activities. What was missing was to literate the look of the school community, involving teachers, other employees and families, so that the discussion would be considered a commitment of all and not only of teachers or mediators of a certain class.
That was how Para Todos was born, with the mission to speak to all and not just some. The prouf that the movement was leaving the ghetto of disability and bringing more people to compose the discussion translates in the arrival of Flavia Parente. Lawyer and graduating in Psychology, Flávia adhered to the movement for the moral value as a whole, even though she wasn’t related, in personal questions, to the cause.
Movimento Para Todos acts in three main fronts. Between them, there is the attitude of offering consultancy services on the inclusion of the disabled person in companies and schools, with a diagnosis of inclusion and plan of action. Regarding living in community, Para Todos seeks to raise awareness and mobilize people for more inclusive actions in day-to-day life through conversation circles, study groups, lectures and discussions. Besides that, the movement also rewards inclusive pedagogical initiatives created by teachers of regular educational institutions across the country.
“We have as our main challenge the time and resources mobilization towards the theme. Even if people understand the importance of changing the paradigm, they end up not dedicating their time and money to it. So, the inclusion ends up in a second place”, says Ciça.
Movimento Para Todos operates throughout Brazil in person and/or online, in the Public, Private and Third Sector scopes. Ciça says that the movement has already developed work with different fronts, such as public bodies – Public Ministry of Rio de Janeiro, Secretariat of Education of Rio de Janeiro and Secretariat of Education of Casimiro de Abreu, also in the state of Rio de Janeiro –, educational groups – Grupo Eleva, Grupo Raiz, Grupo Yduqs, among others – and companies such as Lóreal, Kasnak Advogados, among others. Third sector organizations have also been at the forefront of action, such as Parceiros da Educação, Pequena Cruzada, Saúde Criança, Rede Cruzada and OSCs – Organizações da Sociedade Civil (Civil Society Organizations), employees of private companies and public organs, schools and society in general.
“We must fight prejudice still remaining in the jobs market, that does not see disability as an expression of human diversity and that judges outside-patterns bodies as not fit to society. Even though quotas laws were created with the objective to promote inclusion in the jobs market, it’s not enough to fight prejudice. We must understand that the difficulties experienced by the individual are not only found in a body with limitations, but in society, when it is not properly adjusted to attend and welcome diversity”, finishes Ciça.
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