Project benefits hundreds of people through rodas de samba

Samba Sem Fome has the mission to raise and donate food to needy institutions

Have you ever thought about enjoying a good samba, tasting delicious snacks and, in addition, helping others? With the project Samba sem Fome, this is possible. 

Created in January 2000 by a group of samba dancers from Rio de Janeiro, the initiative, which is actually a roda de samba (‘samba circle’), takes place on the second Saturday of each month at the Bora lá bar, Rua Ferreira de Andrade, 241, Cachambi, north zone of Rio.

One of the members of the project is Alexandre Baptista de Lima, a physical education professional and teacher in the municipal school system. He proudly represents Samba Sem Fome and tells how it all began. 

“In the late 90s, after participating in a pagode held by hospital workers in Piedade, Rio de Janeiro, where participants raise food to donate to the community during the activities, a group of samba dancers decided to create an analogous event among friends, charging as admission the donation of a kilo of any non-perishable food. And so the Samba sem Fome was born”, he concludes.

He says that no one is obliged to make a donation, as the entrance to the roda de samba is free. However, spontaneous collaboration from regulars always happens. The invitation and dissemination are made through social media.

Where do the donations go?

That’s the best part: Samba Sem Fome supports several charities for the underprivileged and each month one of them is assisted. The institutions are chosen through nominations or through a direct request from them. At the end of each roda de samba, a count of the food that has been collected is made and, the next day, they are delivered to the person responsible for the participating institution by the project organizers themselves.

For transparency purposes, the group makes accountability through social media. 

The Samba Sem Fome is a warmth – with the donations received, institutions and people are benefited. The founders of the initiative are: Marcelo de Paula, known as “Aragão”, Carlos Eduardo, “Babyface”, Carlos Antônio, “Carlinhos”, Agildo and Walner, the “Bozó”.

Did you like the project? 

You can support it by going to the pagode and bringing your donation.

If you can’t attend the live pagode, don’t worry. Send us a message via Instagram to find out how to help. By making a donation, you will be strengthening an institution, bringing joy to someone and helping to feed many people.

In addition to food, donations of children’s and adult clothing and shoes, disposable children’s and geriatric diapers are accepted. You can also make a cash donation via the Pix Key: [email protected].

The amounts received are fully invested in the project.

Follow Samba sem Fome on Instagram and Facebook.

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