REUSOS platform uses circular economy to resignify consume

Brazilian app presents a different approach to the consumerism and products accumulation

A platform that helps find a destination for things we don’t use anymore, generating money and contributing to a circular and sustainable economy. This is how Ulisses Campos, REUSOS co-founder, describes the project that tries to avoid having too many products stand still with no use in Brazil. Created in 2020, REUSOS comes up as a conscious consumption option.

“REUSOS was maturing as a solution to a problem that many people have, but few are bothered with: we buy much more than we need, and it takes a long time to realise that and start doing something to change. During the COVID pandemic, when families were in a context of supply restrictions, price increases and needing to generate revenue, we figured that it could be a good moment to start a ‘movement’, using technology to try and change this behaviour”, explained Campos.

The platform’s aim is to create facilitators that prevent a product from being unused. The main difference is the digital creation of small groups of people and service providers who come together out of interest in the same product, which REUSOS calls Tribes & Things. For example, Surfers and Boards; Friends and Purses; Climbers and Tents; Musicians and Instruments.

“The purpose here is to encourage the consumption reduction of low-quality and short-lived products. We want to support the product life cycle of responsible manufacturers, from the purchase decision (looking at the long term), passing through the reuse and expanse of its life, to recycling”, added Campos.

The service is still exclusively online, but Campos intends to create “REUSOS spots”, physical places that will help with the logistics of sending and receiving products – according to the co-founder himself, this is a key strategy for the growing relevance of the platform.

In case you are interested in offering a product that may has been sitting in your wardrobe, living room or garage for years, REUSOS has an easy step-by-step:

1.     Sign in for free in the platform through this link;

2.     Join a group/tribe that already exists according to your affinity (family, condominium, practitioners of your favourite sport, etc…) or create a group/tribe inviting the people you want to trade/sell/buy;

3.     Upload the products you want to sell or see the items that people have already put up for sale;

4.     In case of interest, a transaction can be executed (sale/rent/donation/repair/etc…)

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