The mission is to contribute to the social inclusion of elderly and vulnerable people, promoting the process of active, healthy ageing with dignity and respect
Velho Amigo’s actions began by supporting long-stay institutions aimed at the elderly and in situations of social vulnerability, the former asylums. In the beginning, two asylums received support and today, after over 23 years of operation, more than 30 were assisted. In addition to the support given to other organizations that work with the same theme, Velho Amigo maintains a community centre for 200 elderly people, with workshops offered to improve the quality of life of those assisted.
Institute Velho Amigo started its activities in 1999, when its founder and current president Regina Moraes, then a volunteer activist in social actions, mediated the first donation of resources and materials to a nursing home. Visiting one of the beneficiary asylums, she realized the importance of these actions to improve the quality of life of the elderly in vulnerable situations. And Velho Amigo started, with the proposal of being a bridge of support and strengthening institutions for the elderly in the long stay.
The institution operates through three major programs
The first aims to strengthen and accelerate institutions that directly care for the elderly. The second aims to promote quality of life, strengthening bonds promoted by workshops focused on physical, mental and emotional health, digital literacy and learning. The third and last is the Advocacy Program, whose purpose is to raise awareness and engage the population in agendas for the cause of active and healthy ageing. More than 1,500 older people are now benefiting from these programs.
The project activities take place at Estrada das Lágrimas, 2317 — Cidade Nova Heliópolis, South Zone of São Paulo.
Kátia Gomes, the Project Coordinator, talks about the institution’s challenges
“Brazil currently has around 30 million elderly people, according to IBGE data, of which 7% are in a situation of social vulnerability. According to the WHO—World Health Organization, in 2050 the country will have around 68 million elderly people. Institute Velho Amigo aims to ensure active and healthy longevity for this audience and calls on everyone to have an inclusive and active look at the ageing population in our country.
Ask yourself, how are the surrounding elderly treated? Do I want to be treated like this when I get older? Do these questions scare you or bring you peace? Our biggest challenge is to encourage these reflections in society and public authorities, so that together we can build a society for all ages, with more respect, dignity, opportunities, and investments in the area of ageing.”
Below are testimonials from some beneficiaries
“I have been going to Velho Amigo for many years and I like it. I learned to write, crochet, use my cell phone and many other good things. I exercise, dance, do yoga, and just for the fact I am going there, my health has improved. Not only that, but I love Old Amigo and all the people who work there and take care of us.”
France, 75 years
“I came to Velho Amigo five years ago and started with handicrafts. Today I participate in almost all activities, and in that time, everything has improved. I had back pain, and leg pain, and today I feel much better! Our old age here is softer.”
Iraildes Sales dos Anjos
“I’m taking a Digital Literacy course at Fundação Carmem Lúcia, and it’s great. I’m enjoying it. We have a lot of friends and we have fun while learning. I didn’t know how to use a cell phone, but now I do. I can only thank the Old Friend.”
Dalvani Fernandes
Katia Gomes ends by inviting everyone to access the site and learn more about the actions carried out by Institute Velho Amigo. She says that they performed everything in the institution with love and care and that everyone’s opinion is very important.
Follow and comment on Velho Amigo’s profiles on Facebook and Instagram
Did you like this work and want to support it?
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Donations will be converted into Basic Baskets and personal hygiene items, in addition to enabling the ‘online’ activities offered by the institution to the elderly.
For more information, click here
Watch on YouTube the message from actor and psychologist, Leonardo Miggiorin about Institute Velho Amigo.
Contacts: Telephones: +55 (11) 3071–4040 / 3079–0018
E-mail: [email protected].