Universidade das Quebradas: the project that uses music as a knowledge guide for artists from the periphery

The initiative is an extension course from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and promotes the inclusion of these artists in well-known spaces

It’s common knowledge that favelas (ghettos in english) and the outskirts are full of talents who, despite producing relevant content, often struggle to make it due to the processes of selection and exclusion. The Universidade das Quebradas (UQ), an extension course of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), manages to bring these individuals into the Academy and precisely promotes the inclusion of these artists in spaces like Rio’s Museum of Art, for example.

Sandra Lima, a producer and professor in the audiovisual field, has been working in the cultural sector for 20 years and is involved in the Documentary classes of the project. She explains that the Universidade das Quebradas course had its first edition in 2010, and the focus has always been to bring the outskirts and the favelas into the Academy – an action that results in an exchange of knowledge.

The students arrive already equipped with their potentials, stories, and experiences, and they contribute to the Universidade, which gives back in the same manner. Sandra explains that the initiative was born from a thesis conducted by Numa Ciro, originally from the Northeast of Brazil. Heloisa Buarque de Hollanda embraced the idea and together they conceptualized the project in collaboration with UFRJ.

UQ’s (short for Universidade da Quebrada) priority is Art, Philosophy and Curatorship. The offered classes’ subjects range from Art Curation in general, Documentary, Editing, Photo/Filming, Literature and Poetry, Soundtrack, Cultural Projects and much more.

Caminho artistas da periferia (“Pathway for artists from the outskirts”, in english) 

The Universidade das Quebradas serves as a bridge for individuals from favelas and outskirts who produce valuable and engaging work, offering them the opportunity to showcase their skills in museums and other spaces.

The participants are artists, activists, and artist-activists. No one begins their journey at the Universidade das Quebradas, some are already recognized individuals with experience and a path – from writers and visual artists to poets, photographers, and others.

“An exchange between the favela, the outskirts, and the Universidade. The Academy welcomes the artist, and in return, the artist brings a place of creation. When the favela is embraced, it can express itself, produce, and showcase its potential.”

Sandra mentions three former students who have been through the Universidade das Quebradas: ‘There’s Laerte Guline, a carnival designer with an important journey within Rio de Janeiro’s carnival; Gustavo de Carvalho, who has done incredible work, creating a documentary about Hélio Oiticica; and Paula Carriconde, a visual artist who made a film that addresses the concept of art as transformation,’ she concludes.

Who can participate in the Universidade das Quebradas

To participate, one simply needs to be above 18 years old and be an artist in some form. The Universidade das Quebradas is not exclusive, but preference is given to residents of favelas and outskirts. Selection is based on grades, and there is no educational level requirement.

What are the benefits of being a participant in the project?

The benefits include the opportunity to study with esteemed masters in the field, participation in a space for creation and exchange of knowledge, obtaining a certificate from an extension course at UFRJ, promotion of your work, a stipend to cover snacks and transportation, and the chance to build powerful networks of contacts.

According to Sandra, the first impact caused by the project is the empowerment of these individuals, who end up gaining practical knowledge. Additionally, there’s the acquisition of a diploma that opens doors and provides opportunities, along with the endorsement of UFRJ and the Museum of Art of Rio.  

It’s worth applying because, in addition to having classes with excellent professors and receiving a certificate from UFRJ, you can also build many valuable relationships there. Become a ‘quebradeiro’ (member of the hood)! Apply through the annual call for applications on the project’s website. It’s free.

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