World Environment Day: get to know the project that revolutionises urbanisation in communities through green roofs

This week, when Environment and Recycling Days are celebrated, I bring you the Teto Verde Favela Project, an exciting initiative by the environmental activist, Luiz Cassiano, who lives in the Parque Arará community, better known as Sanduba do Arará. Teto Verde Favela is a project that aims to multiply green roofs in urban areas, peripheral areas and slums.

The idea for the project, which emerged 30 years ago, came from Cassiano’s own need, who, when moving to Parque Arará, realized that housing in favelas is much hotter than in other places in general, he says. It was then that he had the idea of making a green roof, as some friends had told him that they had seen such roofs in Germany and also how they were made. From there, he began looking into how he could create his own green roof.

This sort of roof is nothing new but is more commonly seen in the homes of people with purchasing power, in shopping malls and other places of the kind, however, in the slums, they are still unknown and are far from becoming a reality, despite the enormous need.

Cassiano explains that the idea is to improve not only the lives of those who live on a property with a green roof but also that of the entire community. “It has already been proven that these installations actually soften the temperature, attract birds, and butterflies, and are also allies of the ecosystem and very important due to the climate changes they cause”, he says.

To create the green roof, two materials are used: textile gel and a special waterproofing blanket. The plants used are those that withstand heat, require little water and can be grown without the need for land such as bromeliads, desert plants such as cacti and others. It is also possible to make roofs with medicinal and/or edible plants such as the Bertalha vine, which can be used in food preparation.

The impacts caused by these green roofs are very important, in addition to attenuating the temperature, they greatly reduce the consumption of electrical energy and, consequently, reduce the financial expense.

Teto Verde Favela has as partners and supporters from Grupo de Extensão Universitária Enactus, UFRJ, Rede Favela Sustentável and Instituto Cidade Jardim, among others.

Cassiano, in addition to being an environmental activist, works with audiovisuals, theatre and music. He works with Teto Verde Favela in Parque Arará, Benfica, the North Zone of Rio and in other regions that invite him.

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Tips to help preserve the environment 

  • Save water and energy;
  • Do not buy wild animals without authorization;
  • Buy only what you need;
  • Whenever possible, leave your car at home;
  • Prefer to buy from companies that show socio-environmental responsibility;
  • Separate the garbage on proper disposals;
  • Repurpose and recycle;
  • Throw the trash in the trash;
  • Don’t waste food.

And save the environment!

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