Comunidade dos Pequenos Profetas: three decades of social transformation in the outskirts of Pernambuco

Every year, around 400 young people are assisted by projects focused on education, culture, art and the realisation of rights


Credit: Charles Johnson

By: Kauana Portugal – Lupa do Bem / Favela Em Pauta

In a house with colourful walls, located in the neighbourhood of São José, in the central area of Recife, the Comunidade dos Pequenos Profetas – CPP – (Community of Little Prophets) sows power in the lives of children and adolescents in situations of social vulnerability. In contrast to the scarcity experienced on the outskirts of the capital of Pernambuco, the CPP creates an abundant environment of possibilities through projects focused on education, social responsibility, culture, combating hunger and art.

At the NGO, young people find percussion, meditation, gastronomy and vegetable, and gardening classes. Haircutting and sports workshops are also offered. 

These activities symbolize the realization of rights, a priority for the CPP. Thus, the community also provides psychosocial and legal assistance. The organization was founded 36 years ago, by Demetrius Demétrio, from Brasilia, and today counts on the contribution of employees and volunteers.

Another objective of Pequenos Prophets is to contribute to the financial autonomy of those responsible for the young people assisted by the organization. For this reason, the mothers participate in workshops focused on the production of handicrafts and sewing, with the profit from sales reverted to the producers. Every day, the institution provides assistance to around 80 young people between the ages of 7 and 21 and has 500 families registered. Each year, approximately 400 children and adolescents attend the CPP headquarters.

The person in charge of the NGO, Demétrius, speaks with a proud chest about the decades of work in the region and transformative initiatives, such as the Eco Productive Roof – the largest in the northeast, according to him, with 400m² of organic garden and weekly production.

Projects that make the founder of the Comunidade dos Pequenos Profetas (Community of Little Prophets) believe in the transformation proposal. “The CPP is a 3,000m² big house in the center of Recife, where we develop various socio-educational activities, trying to write a new story in the life of each person assisted”, reports Demétrius.

Comunidade dos Pequenos Profetas

Community of Little Prophets needs donations to continue transforming

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the Community of Small Prophets donated more than 12 tons of food. The health emergency, aggravated by the social crisis the country has embarked on, demanded intense efforts from the NGO. In the same period, it was necessary to reduce the opening hours at the headquarters. Since then, the workload has not been resumed. The reason is the scarcity of resources.

Even with funding from international organizations, it is still not enough. To give continuity to Pequenos Prophets’ projects, in addition to enabling the expansion of services, it is possible to donate money, but also with the delivery of food and clothing.

To contact the NGO manager, just send a message to Instagram @pequenos_profetas or email Companies interested in having a social impact in the region can also sign partnerships.

CPP PIX is 12861514000110 (CNPJ), Banco Bradesco S/A, agency 3208 and account 99453-7. Visit the website The Community of Small Prophets is located at Avenida Sul, 110, São José District, Recife/PE.

Autor: Redação - Lupa do Bem
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