By Flor Monestel
Ni1+ has built an anti-bullying network with its programs Familia Ni1+, P.I.E, and Clínica Tú Vales, providing accessible tools for students, teachers, and parents to prevent and intervene in school bullying
“We have all been in the bullying triangle, which involves the aggressor, the victim, and the observer.” This is how Monique Amado, Executive Director of the non-profit organization Ni1+ of Panama, describes the relationships around bullying and its faces.
“When I was in school, I remember a classmate giving me a nickname and writing it on one of my belongings; that was her way of bullying me. Today, many years later, I understand that people who do these things are usually projecting internal conflicts and need help.” This is how Monique reflects on the importance of children learning about respect and values in schools but especially at home, as the core of social formation.
Ni1+ is an NGO that promotes good social coexistence to eradicate school bullying in Panama through accessible tools and support that contribute to the emotional and mental improvement of young adolescents, families, and teachers.
Initiative’s Origin
This initiative was born in 2018 when two friends, Moisés and David, united in a first attempt to bring attention to the issue in their school, as it was not talked about and there was no space to discuss it. This project was called “Make a Noise”. The project called on students to carry out activities inside and outside the institution; one of them was the creation of a mural in front of government offices, which spoke about stopping school bullying in Panama, even starting a conversation in the press and society in general. Quickly, other schools contacted them to replicate the idea, and thus it became a community anti-bullying movement.
In its evolution, “Make a Noise” transformed and formally established itself as Ni1+, whose message is that not one more person will be a victim of bullying in Panama. This platform educates schools, families, public institutions, private companies, and society in general about school bullying. All its actions are aligned with the ideals of “Changing lives positively,” “Youth is the future,” “Teamwork is better,” and “Learning is growing.”
Ambassador Network:
Their initial project was “Familia Ni1+,” which encompasses various volunteer actions for people (267 registered teenagers) and companies. Among these actions is “Painting for healthy coexistence,” which recovers spaces and adapts different schools in Panama, positively impacting students and teachers.
For more than 3 years, they have had the School Integration Program (P.I.E., standing for “Programa de Integración Escolar”, in Spanish), which integrates students, teachers, and parents interested in training on bullying issues. To date, there are 71 associated institutions, more than 537 sessions have been held, over 30,000 students trained, more than 1,200 teachers, and more than 1,300 parents have also been part of this knowledge-building on a topic that is so sensitive and experienced daily by the underage population.
“We never talk to the kids without first training their parents or teachers. We need them to understand the tools we promote for the prevention and intervention of bullying first so that when their children receive our talks, both will be aligned with the proper handling of any situation,” adds Amado.
It is estimated that 52% of P.I.E. members are capable of intervening in a critical situation and then escalating it to a higher authority. In the case of private schools, P.I.E. creates clubs and provides a basic budget to carry out activities and maintain awareness throughout the year.
Clínica Tú Vales:
Due to P.I.E. and the urgency of parents to intervene in certain behaviors of their children, in 2023, the Clínica Tú Vales was created, focusing on the psychological care and intervention of young people between 6 and 19 years old who have experienced school bullying and socio-emotional problems such as anxiety, depression, self-harm, low self-esteem, among others. The cost of the weekly consultation is $6 (the minimum in Panama is $30 per week).
After a year of implementation, Tú Vales has received 190 patients, of whom: 58.7% are from private institutions and 41.3% from public ones; 48.9% are women and 51.1% are men; 45% are primary school students; 31.5% treated for depression and 29.4% for anxiety. As of May 2024, the Clinic has 112 active patients, so they will expand the facilities in Panama City to accommodate more children and adolescents.
And the impact the Clinic has had has begun to bear fruit. Julia’s grandmother comments, “I came to Ni Uno Más in June 2023, seeking help to better guide my granddaughter, as I felt she was confused, sad, anxious, depressed, and, above all, with low self-esteem. I couldn’t understand what was happening in her environment, and for these reasons, I sought help to guide me and better understand her behavior. The truth is that I don’t converse or ask questions; I just wait for the conversation to come up spontaneously. But I have observed that Julia has improved her behavior and confidence; she shows interest in not missing her appointments and in activities that keep her occupied to boost her self-esteem. I feel that she is becoming more responsible for fulfilling herself.”
Areas of Operation:
Currently, Ni1+’s work is concentrated in Panama City, North Panama, Colón, Herrera, Veraguas, and Chiriquí. Additionally, they have an agreement with the Ministry of Education (MEDUCA) to access about 10 new public schools per year, in addition to those already reached in other regions.
Connections for Children and Adolescents:
It is not just about teaching but connecting with and between different organizations. Thanks to the work carried out over 6 years, Ni1+ has managed to establish collaborations between NGOs to meet needs or exchange good practices. For example, at the end of 2023, they organized a book collection, donating more than 1,000 books to six allied organizations. Additionally, they refer patients from Clínica Tú Vales to other partners who address different needs of minors.
They also carry out coordinated actions with various organizations such as Aliados por la Niñez y la Adolescencia, an initiative that fights for the rights of this population; with the Panamanian Chamber of Social Development (CAPADESO), which brings together more than 100 recognized NGOs in the country to professionalize their work; and they collaborated with the Ministry of Education (MEDUCA) and other human rights and mental health organizations in reviewing the Protocol for action in situations of school bullying.
In the case of strategic alliances, a mutual benefit is sought, not necessarily commercial; improving the quality of care and life of students, families, and teachers; and, in the case of sponsors, a personalized plan is established according to each company and the value actions they want to promote. Ni1+ has 24 active agreements.
If you are interested in being part of Ni1+, you can access the following channels:
- Website:
- Instagram: @niunomasoficial
- Twitter: NiUnoMasPanama
- LinkedIn: @ni-uno-m-s
- YouTube: @niunomasoficial
- Clínica Tú Vales: 800-6410
- Central office: 375-3922
- Email: [email protected]