Movement launches unprecedented training course in nutrition applied to cannabinoid therapy in Brazil

An unprecedented course in Brazil will feature professionals from the fields of health, medicine, pharmacy, law, cannabis gastronomy and nutrition


Credit: Disclosure

By: Renato Silva – Lupa do Bem / Favela em Pauta

The Movimento Fibrocannabis (Fibrocannabis Movement), an organization created by Francislaine Assis and associated with the Brazilian Society of Cannabis Studies, is open for registration for the first Nutrition Training course applied to Cannabinoid Therapy, with 20 hours of duration, translation and accessibility in Libras. The training will be in 100% digital format, and will have a multidisciplinary team with professionals from the national and international cannabis scene. At the end of the course, participants will have access to a certificate.

The course coordinators and mentors, Fran Assis and Andrea Barros, bet on education with a focus on nutrition applied to Cannabinoid Therapy, providing improvement and promotion of the patient’s health, based on one of the main pillars of good health: real food and a healthy, treated gut that promotes a favorable environment for the initiation and maintenance of Cannabinoid Therapy.


According to them, the goal is to promote knowledge that adds to professional training. “The objective of the Nutrition Training course applied to Cannabinoid Therapy is to allow the student to expand their possibilities of action and have new tools at hand for a professional performance that promotes full health”, they explain.

About the course

In the course, the student will be able to understand how specific nutritional behaviors combined with consistent knowledge about the main aspects of these therapies help in the well-being of the patient in a broad and integral way, based on science and clinical practice that enhance and reinforce the importance of integrative treatment with cannabis.

In addition to classes, participants will have access to mentoring with teachers, classes with guests, and digital books.

Applications can be made on the Fibrocannabis website and the organization offers a special discount for deaf students and professionals working in the health area, or health professionals fluent in Brazilian Sign Language (Libras), health students in general and students on Medical Cannabis courses.

The modules bring varied topics to address different areas of knowledge, such as nutrition and the endocannabinoid system, nutrition and cannabis, herbal medicine and aromatherapy in cannabis nutrition, professional practice, legal aspects and accessibility.

The Fibrocannabis project

The project is the result of the initiative of the founder Fran Assis, who needed to access treatments for a health condition of her own and made the decision to share knowledge and expand access opportunities through the creation of a project focused on therapy with the use of cannabinoids in 2018.

“From my first consultation, I had already been doing a lot of research, so I identified the need to share what I was having access to, because until then, this treatment was only for those who had a lot of conditions”, she reports.

Fibrocannabis Movement

Fran Assis is also the founder and first coordinator of the SBEC’s Fibromyalgia Technical Chamber, and a member of the Brazilian Society for the Study of Pain (SBED). She is also a mother, grandmother, cancer patient, fibromyalgia, arthritis, endometriosis, ankylosing spondylitis, in therapeutic use of cannabis. In addition, it struggles to facilitate access to a therapy that is still so denied to the general public.

“I created the profile on social media, such as Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp groups. Many patients started to reach out through the profiles, always looking for information, guidance and I, who was still in an initial treatment process, had many limitations, but within my possibilities I was providing assistance to patients. I supported them, clarifying doubts and giving some indications of professionals. Over time, I identified several difficulties that patients were facing and with these reports that they brought, I sought to improve this work more and more”, says Fran.

With the training offered by the project, Fran believes she is revolutionizing the health area by mobilizing professionals to an innovative therapy. “We are making a revolution, with the professionals who have accepted this challenge. So, we strongly believe in the formation of a new professional profile, with a careful, attentive look and that will, from this training, be able to provide more adequate care to patients and improve access”, she comments.

For her, the movement promotes a scenario of many advances for health professionals who deal with patients who depend on this type of treatment. “We are promoting science, knowledge, accessibility, access to treatment in a broader and fairer way. And allowing a very significant portion of health professionals, especially nutritionists and professionals who work in nutrition, to be inserted in the cannabis market, giving them direct assistance”, she concludes.

Autor: Redação - Lupa do Bem
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