SOS Children’s Villages welcomes children away from family life

The NGO was founded in 1949, in Austria, by educator Hermann Gmeiner, and has been operating in Brazil for 55 years and maintains more than 80 projects


Aldeias Infantis SOS (SOS Children’s Villages) is a global organization, with local impact, that works to care for and protect children, adolescents, young people and families. 

The organization leads the largest care movement in the world and works with boys and girls who have lost parental care or are at risk of losing it, in addition to developing humanitarian actions. 

This powerful initiative is present in more than 130 countries. In Brazil, it maintains more than 80 projects in 32 locations from north to south of the country. Created by educator Hermann Gmeiner, in Imst, Austria, the organization was born with the initial objective of welcoming orphaned children, victims of the Second World War.

Over time, the field of activity was expanded with programs for families, communities, defence of rights and actions focused on health and nutrition, educational centres and promotion of women’s rights, in addition to assistance in emergencies. Founded in 1949, Aldeias Infantis SOS has been operating in Brazil since 1967. 

The institution aims to work with families at risk of separation and provide alternative care for children and adolescents who have lost parental care and fight so that no child grows up alone. 

The work is divided into several fronts: 

Alternative Care Service

Aimed at children, teenagers and young people without parental care. The services offer individualized, quality care to children who, temporarily or permanently, can no longer live with their guardians, respecting the highest standards of care. This service is provided in two ways:

Casa Lar – space where up to 10 children are welcomed in a routine of individualized care and protection. The service is offered according to the local context and needs, keeping brothers together in care. In addition to a Social Mother, resident, and a substitute, it is supported by a team made up of a coordinator, social workers and psychologists. 

Foster Family – trained volunteer families who welcome children and adolescents as protective measures in their homes.

Family Strengthening Programs

Through direct support and monitoring of families in vulnerable situations, it prevents the loss of parental care. The Organization develops actions with the community, emotional, social skills and income generation projects for family self-sufficiency and the protection of children, adolescents and young people, under its responsibility.

Protective Spaces 

Suitable locations are available with Basic Direct Care Services, provided directly or in partnership with public bodies, through formal (daycare) or informal (day centres) education actions, which can be offered on a part-time or full-time basis. 

Support for Young 

People Specific direct support services, with opportunities for learning and growth, respecting the individual condition of each participant. Highlights include educational, vocational and professional guidance, aimed at young people’s autonomy.

Brazil Without Borders 

Supports and welcomes families of Venezuelans and Afghans in refugee or vulnerable situations in Brazil. Migrants have decent housing and food, as well as access to health services and updated vaccination records. 

The work is developed in partnership with the Alto Comissariado das Nações Unidas para Refugiados (ACNUR) in the Aldeias Infantis SOS units in São Paulo, Poá, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre and Brasília.


Aldeias Infantis SOS carries out political advocacy actions so that the rights of children and adolescents are enforced throughout the national territory, especially boys and girls without parental care or at risk of losing it.

Instituto Bem Cuidar 

Middle unit of Aldeias Infantis SOS is responsible for knowledge management, systematization, research, external consultancy and skills development, to disseminate a culture of good care for children and young people. 

In 2022, 9,350 people were served directly by the Organization, in various areas. 

With the support of monthly contributions from individual donors, support from the private sector and public authorities, the institution has been able to maintain projects that offer alternative care, strengthen families and communities, and promote improvements in public policies so that children, adolescents and young people can develop autonomously in a protective environment. 

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More information at the links below 







Neuza Nascimento
After being a domestic worker for over 40 years, Neuza founded and ran the NGO CIACAC for 15 years. Currently, she is a journalism student and works with creative writing, field research and transcriptions. At Lupa do Bem, she is responsible for bringing reflections and stories from organizations from different parts of Brazil to "Coluna da Neuza".
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