Mathematics and fun: festival challenges participants with logic games

The Festival Nacional de Matemática offers challenging environments and invites participants to solve logical reasoning problems


The 3rd edition of the Festival Nacional de Matemática (National Math Festival) is approaching. Created to promote the dissemination of mathematics among the general public, this is an event by the Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA). 

The institution has other programs, such as Portas Abertas, in which participants can visit the institute and learn a little about what it is like to be a mathematician, and the Olimpíada Brasileira das Escolas Públicas (Brazilian Public Schools Math Olympiad – OBMEP), the largest scientific Olympiad in the country, which seeks encourage the study of mathematics and discover new talents

Festival Nacional de Matemática

The Festival Nacional de Matemática takes place from September 5th to 7th, 2024. Activities will include lectures, plays, presentations, experiments, round tables, robot demonstrations, game arena, robot football, sun observation, programming in Lego and immersive space at Centro PI. 

September 5th will be exclusively for school visits. On the 6th, the visitation will be open to both schools and the general public. On the 7th, the event will only be dedicated to the general public. Visits will take place in shifts from 10 am. 

Mothers, fathers, students, teachers, children, young people and adults are invited to test their skills and have fun.

How to sign up 

To make an appointment in advance, you must provide your CPF, full name and email. 

To register for visits to public and private schools, click here. Each school can participate with 46 people, but can also schedule two visits at once. For general public access, register by clicking here. The event is free and requires volunteers, to do so, click here. 

Location: Marina da Glória, Av. Infante Dom Henrique, S/N – Glória, Central Zone of Rio de Janeiro. 

Follow the event on Instagram.

Neuza Nascimento
After being a domestic worker for over 40 years, Neuza founded and ran the NGO CIACAC for 15 years. Currently, she is a journalism student and works with creative writing, field research and transcriptions. At Lupa do Bem, she is responsible for bringing reflections and stories from organizations from different parts of Brazil to "Coluna da Neuza".
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