Instituto Mapinguari faces the oil lobby in Amapá
Their work started with protecting conservation areas and today is a regional reference at the intersection of climate, food, and water

Amapá is Brazil’s most preserved state, with 73% of its territory covered by protected areas. Simultaneously, it struggles with low levels of human development. Its capital, Macapá, fox example, has the lowest Human Development Index (HDI) in Brazil (0.695). In this context, the Instituto Mapinguari (“Mapinguari Institute”, in English) has taken a stand against the oil lobby in the Amazon River mouth basin.
According to biologist Yuri Silva, oil exploration along the equatorial coast could bring economic benefits, but it also carries significant risks to biodiversity conservation and may exacerbate social issues. “They say oil will save Amapá, but if it follows the pattern of other large-scale projects in the Amazon, it will only fuel real estate speculation, unplanned urban growth, and deforestation”, Silva explains.
Yuri, co-founder of Instituto Mapinguari, argues that the discussion must be approached more responsibly, particularly by local political leaders. “The information being presented to us is often overstated. Our challenge to oil development involves examining the royalties and questioning how they will be used. We scrutinize the government’s management capacity and the plans for interventions in exploration areas. We assess potential socio-economic impacts and how they could affect our population”.
“It’s fine to advocate for oil exploration, but it must be based on concrete plans. What exactly is being proposed? How will Oiapoque accommodate this project? What measures are in place to prevent the formation of slums in this municipality? We are working to frame the debate in these terms”, Yuri emphasizes.

Instituto Mapinguari
Instituto Mapinguari was founded in 2015 by a group of biologists from the Federal University of Amapá and is primarily supported by Instituto Clima e Sociedade (“Climate and Society Institute”, in English). “We started with a strong focus on conservation units in the state but quickly realized that conservation cannot be discussed without involving communities, understanding their needs, and including them in the conversation”, recalls the co-founder.
To counter the oil lobby, the institute collaborates with local indigenous communities, the Movimento de Atingidos por Barragens (MAB) (“Movement of People Affected by Dams”, in English), the Comissão Pastoral da Terra (CPT) (“Pastoral Land Commission”, in English), and youth organizations such as the Coletivo Utopia Negra (“Black Utopy Collective”, in English). It also engages in regional and national coalitions, working with groups like the Observatório do Marajó (“Marajó Observatory”), Greenpeace, Arayara, and Purpose.
The institute is a member of the managing body of the COP30 Committee, a coalition of organizations influencing the COP30 organization. “We have been participating in climate and biodiversity conferences, bringing our territorial expertise to these forums and engaging with Itamaraty negotiators to ensure the realities of these communities are reflected in international discussions”, says Yuri.
Oil Lobby
Instituto Mapinguari’s efforts against the oil lobby have been channeled through its watersheds and ocean division, created less than a year ago. Initially, the NGO focused on preserving biodiversity in protected areas through specific actions. Over the past four years, however, it has significantly increased its influence and mobilization capacity.
“We couldn’t continue ignoring such a heated debate. So we’ve been challenging exaggerated claims about oil exploration. We engage in political advocacy, participate in public hearings, and conduct communication campaigns with interventions in cities”, Yuri notes.
According to the biologist, small-scale fishers and Indigenous peoples are the most vulnerable to the project’s impacts. “If these communities are not strengthened, they could become even more impoverished in the event of a crisis or during oil exploitation,” he warns.
To deepen the discussion, the institute has participated in key national and international forums, such as the Diálogos Amazônicos e as últimas Conferências sobre o Clima e sobre a Biodiversidade (“Amazon Dialogues and recent Climate and Biodiversity Conferences”, in English). These events have placed the organization at the forefront of global climate debates, projecting it as a key player in amplifying Amazonian voices.

Food Systems
In addition to opposing oil projects, Instituto Mapinguari is active in food systems, promoting agroecological transitions among quilombola communities near Macapá. The NGO provides technical support and, last year alone, conducted 12 agroforestry system implementation workshops. “We aim for Amazonian socio-productive systems to become increasingly equitable, fair, and resilient to climate change”, says Yuri.
He explains that cassava is the dietary staple for these communities, but production has declined so much in some areas that it is no longer a reliable source of income. “That’s why we propose diversification—keeping cassava but integrating it into agroforests alongside crops like corn, pumpkin, beans, watermelon, banana, açaí, cupuaçu, peach palm, and general horticulture”.
Yuri stresses the need for public policies that support and reward this transition. “We campaigned for the governor to reinstate the Política Estadual de Agroecologia, Produção Orgânica e Sociobiodiversidade (PEAPOS) (‘State Policy on Agroecology, Organic Production, and Sociobiodiversity’), which had stalled in the Legislative Assembly. The law resumed its course and was passed at the end of last year. Now, it needs to be implemented! This includes providing agroecological technical assistance and dedicated funding. The government must also encourage the opening of new markets for these products”, he urges.
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